Have I totally messed up my grow?


Well-Known Member
I planted a auto ak47 seed, just the one, 2 days ago. yesterday, as i thought maybe i planted the seed too deep down, i emptied all the soil, to search for the seed, couldnt find it, so put the soil back in its pot. i came across what may have been the seed, not sure though, and put my fingernails through it, thinking it was just a piece of the compost. ive tried searching online, and cant find any info. How strong are cannabis seeds? is it easy to break them open, if it was the seed that i broke open that is. Is there a way to sort the seed out from all the soil? last question is, how long should i be waiting for my seed to germinate, to show some thing popping through the soil? ive kept soil moist, with lights on, and its a nice temperature, with fans on too. I wont be taking soil out again, thats for sure! Thanks

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
pre sure you fucked up man, seeds that ARENT hard never normally sprout. and a week at the most for a little white thing to come oout of the soil. and to germinate 2-5 days


Well-Known Member
thats actually good news lol, as this thing i broke open, was pretty easy to open, i thought it was just part of the compost, but was worried, as i never actually found an actual seed, just what i thought was it, but then again, there were a few things that looked like it lol. il give it time, to see if something does pop out of the soil, theres still a very good chance i havent done anything wrong yet lol


Well-Known Member
when i put the soil back in, if by any chance i planted the seed next to the pot, rather than in the middle of the soil for example, will it still grow, just maybe shoot the roots in a strange way?


Well-Known Member
Dude you practically raped the seed with what you call TLC. I know you care about your seeds and stuff but you gotta allow it to do its own thing without checking up on it. This is a seed and its the only stage where you can't really see whats going on and you just gotta wait.

Takes 24-48hours for a seed to crack via paper towel method.
Took 3-5days for my seed to pop out of soil after paper towel method.

Id say you'll have a sprout with cotyledons within 7days. Unless you dug it up and burried it even deeper then what you thought you did originaly.
My honest growing advice: Quit raping your seedlings and take a jog and smoke a blunt. Try eating more fruits until you sprout and you'll be healthier in no time(not saying your unhealthy or anything). Maybe even get a pet so he can keep you company and watch them grow with you.


Well-Known Member
marlboro, thats not very nice, its my first ever grow of cannabis, and i would, and from now on, am going to allow my seed to do its thing, just i thought i buried it too far down, but theres every chance i will still get a sprout. so thanks for the advice, but everyone has to start from somewhere right? i wanted advice, not rude comments!


Well-Known Member
yeah dankster, i maybe should have did that lol, but i thought to germinate it straight in the soil, so i dont have to transplant. i only took all the soil out, to try and get the seed, to plant it nearer the surface, before it actually did germinate, but its been less than 48 hours since i planted, so theres every hope it can still grow :)
does anyone know how tough cannabis seeds actually are, i mean, would it take pliers to force it open, or is it fairly easy to cut it open with fingernails? what does an inside of a seed look like, does anyone know? thanks everyone whos replied so far, appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
Sorry If I came out rude... Hey if it makes you feel better first time I watered mine with a hose and the seed got washed out of the pot because of the pressure.
Next time you plant it just make sure it isn't over 3/4 of an inch deep. It will be fine if it isn't a bunk seed.
The seed looks like the inside of a bean, grab a bean and cut it in half if your interested.


Well-Known Member
no probs marlboro :) ah ive been looking for that answer everywhere, what it looks like inside lol, finally! thanks for info dude! the thing i cut open with fingernails, im now fairly sure, it wasnt the seed, as the inside of what i cut open, had like lines around inside, like when u cut open a tree, and see the age lines? prob just part of the compost i think, ive still got faith it will grow, il give it til next thursday, and if it hasnt sprouted by then, il buy another seed. That was bad luck about the seed getting forced out because of the pressure! lol. i should have realised before i emptied the soil into the bag, trying to find the seed, that the seed was so small, i had no chance to see it. hopefully it will still grow, ive got fingers crossed! thanks :)


Active Member
If you found the seed just put it back in the soil and wait. I wouldn't go deeper than 1/4 of an inch. The less soil you have on top the easier it'll be for it to pop up out of the soil. Using only the paper towel method will work. However, I usually soak the seeds in a cup of water for 24 hours before I put them in a damp paper towel that is sealed inside of a plastic ziplock or tupperware container for 1-2 days. You don't necessarily have to use paper towels. Some type of cotton cloth will work also. For example, you could use a sock. If you only had that one or two seeds I understand, but if you have anymore I'd just start over. Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
I only had the one seed, so thats the main reason i was disappointed with it not growing, but im just going to order another one, and start again, hopefully have better luck this time! thanks everyone for the advice :)


Well-Known Member
yea if its ur first grow idk y you ordered seeds u shouldve just done bagseed that way if u fuck up its no money wasted, just a tip i dont think u should do autos bc if u want a half way descent harvest your gonna have to no how to get that plant to a descent size before it flowers which is petty fast with autos. and you should germinate them in a wet paper towel inside a sealed container, such as tuppawear from hear on in. a good rule of thumb for planting is to poke your finger in the soil up to the first knuckle and put your seed in with the white tail down (after youve germinated) and cover it up. these plants dont need as much attention and care as everyone thinks.eveery mistake made is a lesson learned and every year youll gain a little more knowledge and become a better grower until u have it down to a science


Active Member
Mr.Marijuana420, yea, I agree. It isn't as hard as some people make it out to be. Starting seeds is actually pretty darn easy. Even if a person makes a few mistakes the seedlings will usually still pull through.


Well-Known Member
ive come across a new thing that may be a problem, and need a answer quick if poss :)
i sorted through the compost, to see if i could find the seed, and i found it, but it has germinated, has quite a big white tail, and the outer casing is no longer there, instead, it looks like two ovals, a bit like a bishop on a chess board, with a purple twinge. so i took this out carefully, and planted it nearer the surface, with the white tail pointing downwards, and the part that is slightly purple facing upwards. as it has no outer casing, should i place the purple part above the surface, or just keep it under the soil, near the surface, about half an inch down? typical, ive just ordered another seed, thinking this one wont work lol, ah well, i now have two to play with :)
also, do i put it under lights now, even when its not above the surface, to give heat to the surface of the soil, or not?