Have I made squidgy black?


Hey there, I have just finished making bubble hash and was left with a dark brown liquid which smelled really strong. I have slowly boiled off all the water and am left with a black tar similar to squidgy black. It tastes like liquorice and seems to smoke ok and gets you really high.
There’s also loads of it so seems too good to be true. Any feedback or info greatly appreciated.


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Hey there, I have just finished making bubble hash and was left with a dark brown liquid which smelled really strong. I have slowly boiled off all the water and am left with a black tar similar to squidgy black. It tastes like liquorice and seems to smoke ok and gets you really high.
There’s also loads of it so seems too good to be true. Any feedback or info greatly appreciated.
Bubble has? Boilboff water wtf?

Bubble has is made with ice man

Ur making a mess not smokeable its like half an oilbrun for cancer thete without the solvent.

U havr a pile of plant matter there i wud not smoke

That will be bad

Bubble bags ice mix strain is hash

Solvent soak and boil off is extract

Man plz stop n read ul get ill or kil ya self bro
Bubble has? Boilboff water wtf?

Bubble has is made with ice man

Ur making a mess not smokeable its like half an oilbrun for cancer thete without the solvent.

U havr a pile of plant matter there i wud not smoke

That will be bad

Bubble bags ice mix strain is hash

Solvent soak and boil off is extract

Man plz stop n read ul get ill or kil ya self bro
Thanks man. I should probably be clearer.
I made hash using ice and water and the bubble bag dudes method of straining off through 8 bags. Was left with about eighth of pollen like hash.
I then boiled off the water from the left over liquid after filtering. So it’s all been through a 25 micron bag first. I can’t see how there could be much plant matter left?
Thanks for your input. Really don’t want to smoke something harmful.:-)
Thanks man. I should probably be clearer.
I made hash using ice and water and the bubble bag dudes method of straining off through 8 bags. Was left with about eighth of pollen like hash.
I then boiled off the water from the left over liquid after filtering. So it’s all been through a 25 micron bag first. I can’t see how there could be much plant matter left?
Thanks for your input. Really don’t want to smoke something harmful.:-)
Did you see the photo I attached?
Thanks man. I should probably be clearer.
I made hash using ice and water and the bubble bag dudes method of straining off through 8 bags. Was left with about eighth of pollen like hash.
I then boiled off the water from the left over liquid after filtering. So it’s all been through a 25 micron bag first. I can’t see how there could be much plant matter left?
Thanks for your input. Really don’t want to smoke something harmful.:-)
Lol dude from 8 bags... U either leav it to dry
Or u press it dry

U literatly can smoke it 20 mins later pressing it try teatowl and jump on it.

U never needed to boil it im really confused.

The water should the thrown away its a chrolapbyill pot of waste.

The bags hold all ur meds last 4 grades normaly.

First few are plant removers.

Last grades are smoke time hash....

If u eana take it further u can tske the resin u got then and co2 extract or everclear it which is different again but honestly its like somehow u have combined making rso oil and making bubble hash..

Have a brows youtube type bubble hash tutorial bags bro ul see it.

I really wudnt wana try smoke that looks more like under the tounge medicine i duno

But if thats from the water at the end... Dude u extracted the meds thats the waste if u wana recheck it pour it thru the bags again.

Thats chrolapbyill no goodness waste u dont want that its all carbon plant matter waste n dalts n bigs vroken down enzymes etc
Ok thankyou. I thought it might be broken trichomes that made it through the filter.
Is this not what you get when you use solvent and boil that off then?
I thought both ice and solvents separates the trichomes, so boiling off liquid in either would produce the same substance.
Hey, if you smoked it and it got you high, then there must be thc or trichomes. The amount might not be much and many people might tell you it's not smokable, but hey, whatever works right? If you can get a little bit more from your waste, why not?

So imo, maybe to broken trichomes and released oils, and partially soluble terpenes maybe. I don't think this will end up being a new method because it looks so so dirty.
lol, I had to read it a few times to get what you did. I have never heard of anybody ever boiling the left over water, we just dump that down the drain. Interesting to know that it gets you high. Super freaking nasty though, can't imagine I would ever be desperate enough to smoke that nasty looking stuff.
If u eana take it further u can tske the resin u got then and co2 extract or everclear it which is different again but honestly its like somehow u have combined making rso oil and making bubble hash..

IMHO - the liquid resembles Rick Simpson Oil (RSO).
Alcohol is used for extraction, then evaporated off with a warmer such as a coffee maker..

I really wudnt wana try smoke that looks more like under the tounge medicine i duno

That was my second thought - tincture.
Horrid tasting stuff, takes over an hour to kick in. But it was STRONG.