have a Dilemma need some advice


Well-Known Member
out of 4-plants 3 hermied on me :cry: i took them out and inspected my final female and she is "so far" all woman :weed: OK so my dilemma is

what should i do? she has been in flower for 12-days

should i throw her back to VEG and clone her? If i did this will it stress her to much?

should I flower her out?

Should i take some clones now and still flower her out? will that affect my yield?

Please if someone could help me out before its too late.



Active Member
its your choice..do you want to harvest one plant and then start over...or would you rather have mulitiple harvest and no down time???
but since you only have one lady..im suspecting you would want to keep her as the mother plant~?
if so..Yes you can throw her back into veg..she will stun a lil,and the process will make take a lil time..but just throw her back in veg..if you have buddies on the plant..the plant will shrink those back down and grow a funny looking leaf..
also..ya take some clones def.....take as many as you want!!..the more the better anyways...cloning can be diffulct for some.
and id use at least one of those clones for a new mother..once the clones have rooted..u can either stick them in veg for a while...let them get bigger and then put them on 12/12..or you can just go to straight 12/12 with the clones...its all your choice...but hit me up if you dont wanna wait around for advise.
peace and keep me posted..


Cloning your plant now is fine as long as your not cutting buds to clone. Use a good root compound, a new razorblade and cut enough so that you will have to remove a couple of shade leaves from your cutting. Changing the light back to 18-24 hours will put the cutting into veg state. Did you have any lighting changes or nutrient shocks that would have hermied the plants??
Might as well flower your one female......gonna need something to pass the time while the clones grow!!
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
its your choice..do you want to harvest one plant and then start over...or would you rather have mulitiple harvest and no down time???
but since you only have one lady..im suspecting you would want to keep her as the mother plant~?
if so..Yes you can throw her back into veg..she will stun a lil,and the process will make take a lil time..but just throw her back in veg..if you have buddies on the plant..the plant will shrink those back down and grow a funny looking leaf..
also..ya take some clones def.....take as many as you want!!..the more the better anyways...cloning can be diffulct for some.
and id use at least one of those clones for a new mother..once the clones have rooted..u can either stick them in veg for a while...let them get bigger and then put them on 12/12..or you can just go to straight 12/12 with the clones...its all your choice...but hit me up if you dont wanna wait around for advise.
peace and keep me posted..
Well, i have cloned three of those plants....3 from each so i have 9 clones already as to which 4-i have roots and planted in soil...going through a bit of humidity shock right now but they are pulling through.....I DID A BIG NO NO :cry: i did not mark my clones as to which plant i took them from....so ONE turned out male which means 3-of my clones are males now :spew: the other 6-clones are at least part female right? so they may hermie on me as well......i am sick to my stomach right now at this......SO i think ill pull some more clones from her (mark them) and get those going.....after taking her clones and IF i decide to flower her should i continue to flower her like this? OR veg her back for a couple weeks then flower?:confused:

thanks for quick response



Well-Known Member
Cloning your plant now is fine as long as your not cutting buds to clone. Use a good root compound, a new razorblade and cut enough so that you will have to remove a couple of shade leaves from your cutting. Changing the light back to 18-24 hours will put the cutting into veg state. Did you have any lighting changes or nutrient shocks that would have hermied the plants??
Might as well flower your one female......gonna need something to pass the time while the clones grow!!
Hope this helps
will take that advice, thanks.....plants are all doing great right up to flower...turned them over on April 10th. Just dosed them with ferts first time the other day. this is just bag seed so i guess it could be genetics.



Active Member
are at least part female right? so they may hermie on me as well......i am sick to my stomach right now at this......SO i think ill pull some more clones from her (mark them) and get those going.....after taking her clones and IF i decide to flower her should i continue to flower her like this? OR veg her back for a couple weeks then flower?:confused:

if you throw it back in veg..it will take longer..but once you do flower..it will be bigger and so will the buds..your call really tho..but def take some more clones MAKING SURE TO LABEL THIS TIME..lol...


Well-Known Member

I through her back to 24 light under T5's with the other clones....might as well grow them up and weed out those 3-males.....i will wail 2-weeks for mother to recover and then grab some clones....i figure 2-weeks should be enough time to lower stress right? went up and picked up some multi color twist ties :hump: lol



Active Member
why 24/0 light...dont your plants need time to sleep..20/4..or 18/6..would be lotz better..im not a expert,im just sayin...


Well-Known Member
why 24/0 light...dont your plants need time to sleep..20/4..or 18/6..would be lotz better..im not a expert,im just sayin...

no not really...not in veg state..there is plenty of debate on this matter just look around..i have done 18/6 and now 24hr on...and really i dont see a difference of growth, just prefrence. i am taking clones from 24hr light down to 20/4 for a few weeks then, 18/6 then off to 12/12. first time i am trying this.....my plants seem to not handle stress to well so this i think will be less stressful
