$ Hash $


Well-Known Member
So where im from Green Is $350 an Oz.. My problem is iv had an offer from some1 to buy my Hash, its good stuff, but i hav no idea wat price i should set.

How much is Hash where ur from, and How much is Weed in Comparison?


Active Member
That's less than $13 a gram, which for good hash is so insanely low that I want to jump on my scooter and drive to wherever you are. I've seen $30-40/gram for bubble hash, but a lot depends on location and quality.


Active Member
That's less than $13 a gram, which for good hash is so insanely low that I want to jump on my scooter and drive to wherever you are. I've seen $30-40/gram for bubble hash, but a lot depends on location and quality.
is hash green where you'r from too? lol

350 an 0z is a pretty high price, if it's just a small amount of hash and it's to a mate just make up a price like $40 a gram


Well-Known Member
Yea, i was thinking round d $40 mark.
N 4 Krunchy Green is just wat we call Hydroponic Marijuana - should clear that up 4u. I was giving the price as a comparison price for weed vs hash.


stays relevant.
Yea, i was thinking round d $40 mark.
N 4 Krunchy Green is just wat we call Hydroponic Marijuana - should clear that up 4u. I was giving the price as a comparison price for weed vs hash.
So what do you call marijuana grown in soil?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering that myself.

Where I am it's about $350 an Oz ... a.k.a $200-400 depending on who you know lol

So in terms of grass;
1 Gram = $20
3 Grams = $50 (fiftey bag)
1 Ounce = $350

... But no idea what hash is in comparsion. I make bubble hash - with them bubble bag things haha. Usually just keep it to myself and close mates, but I've also had offers to buy it and have no clue what it's actually worth on the street. We're talking gold/brown hash here, not the green stuff haha

Info would be great!


stays relevant.
Seriously though, if you're under the impression that herb grown from soil is schwag shit, what other word do you find more suitable than "ignorant"

By the way

you said:
Your face is ignorant.
^Thanks for proving my point. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Seriously though, if you're under the impression that herb grown from soil is schwag shit, what other word do you find more suitable than "ignorant"
Tis true, although hydro usually does grow faster, by no means is it necessarily of superior quality. Depends on far too many variables.

Anyway, back to the point, how much is 1 gram of decent hash worth if standard grass price is $20 per gram?


Well-Known Member
I was referring to a standard bush grow.

Yeah man, I thought that it was worth $40 bucks a gram to mates n $50 to everyone else. You're prices for Grass r the exact same as i pay in Sydney.
If ur anywhere in Oz, which im guna go ahead and presume u r since our prices are the same - where did u get the bubble bags?
Ive tried searching Ebay but just get padded mailing bags..


Active Member
I'm in Oz too, you guys must be buying the most most premium weed in the country, otherwise your getting ripped. It's usually between $240 and $300 in victoria and was the same when I lived on the NSW coast


Well-Known Member
Used 2b pretty good stuff, but now its all cheap sh*t.. Unfortunately the price never changed.. Hence y i now grow my own..
Well since u pay between $240-$300 for an Oz, wat do u pay 4 a gram of Hash?


Active Member
I don't buy hash, and don't know anyone who would even know where to get it on a regular basis, it seems like you gotta make it yourself these days.
I was offered a gram of low grade hash oil for $50 the other day which I think was a rip off

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
wow thats some expensive ish .. $220 oz of green, $300 oz of black

and green hash is contaminated, worst quality of the lot. Bubble hash for me goes for $20 a gram, and its too expensive for people to want .. And when a half lbs of green equals a half oz of black, the margins are insane