Hash Questions?


Active Member
Ok so I have grounded up all my trimmings from my plants and everything has been drying for about a week. The trimmings are definitely ready to make hash. The question is how? I know the bubble bags are amazing but screw spending anymore money. Whats a quick but efficient method? Thanks :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Honey oil...ewwww...butane....ewwww....watch for my cheap ass bubble hash thread coming in a few days. it will work for you too:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have grounded up all my trimmings from my plants and everything has been drying for about a week. The trimmings are definitely ready to make hash. The question is how? I know the bubble bags are amazing but screw spending anymore money. Whats a quick but efficient method? Thanks :joint::peace:
Personally I use Ice in a bucket and then mix thoroughly with a broom handle put contents through a collander then through a sieve place in a pan on the hob a boil down till theres not too much liquid then pour through coffee filters which are about 100microns so pretty near the supposed 73micron top quality grade. Costs nothing really and works great!

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
hey woo how bout some pics of that leaf clone thing you phoney. but, you did get everyone going. kinda convienent that you have no pics to prove it.. HMMmmmmmm????? can you say lier