hash plant problem with pics HELP


Well-Known Member
i have been growing these for about a week they are hash plant could anyone tell me why 1 of them looks strange
they are pics of the same plant yet my other 2 are doing fine i think heres my other 2 sprouts i planted these about 5 days ago
can anyone help please help my ph is 6.5 im growing in soil and growing under a 250w envirolight thank you everyone


Well-Known Member
to post pics make go to advanced post then down to, additional options====> manage attachments then browse and upload, then attach its on the same line as the font selection. good luck hope that helped. cant see pics sorry


Well-Known Member
i have ony been lightly misting them once in a morning and once at night soil is 50percent soil 35 percent perlite and 15 percent vermiculite the ph ot the water is 6.5 they have had no nutes coz they are babies i dont know whats up with them :peace:

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
Errm just lookin at the the seed leaves and they seem to be more developed than the first set of plant leaves.... this shouldnt happen, i could only think that you have planted your seeds too deep, and over watered.. a rule of thumb is that the seed should be about an inch down, and watered only when the top soil can be crumbled to dust between your fingers. oxygen to the roots is just as important as water.

Hope this helps. :)

PS. i would start over with fresh seeds and soilless compost (NO NUTES)
Keep positve you will have better luck this time. oh and only plant 1 seed untill you get it right then your not wasting time and seeds.


Well-Known Member
i planted them 1/2inch down i have 2 other 1s at the side of this 1 and they are doing ok they look normal yet this 1 came out a mutant or something


Well-Known Member
i have ony been lightly misting them once in a morning and once at night soil is 50percent soil 35 percent perlite and 15 percent vermiculite the ph ot the water is 6.5 they have had no nutes coz they are babies i dont know whats up with them :peace:
yeah, but what type of soil?


Well-Known Member
its peat moss its the first time ive used it :joint:
Well there's your problem! Peat moss is an amendment to soil, not a type of soil. It has a very low pH, around 3.0. So if I had to guess your problem it would be due to low pH, even though you haven't fed it yet. I would gently remove to seedlings, mix in about 40% compost of some kind and add 1 tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon of mix to adjust the pH and to add calcium and magnesium. And then I would replant. Was any of the perlite and peat moss from miracle grow?


Well-Known Member
I am using basically the same soil or rather soilless, my ph is a little lower run it around 5.8 to 6.0. If you are using a soilless medium which it sounds like you are. Mines 75%peat 20%perlite and 5%lime and has no nutes at all. If this is what you are using for a medium go with the lower ph cause you need to treat it like hydro. Do watch cause as the peat disintegrates it will change the ph level of the water you are adding. I check my run off every now and then to make sure im in range. I just wouldnt and dont reuse medium after a grow so the peat decomposing doesnt really affect me, just dont keep reusing.

I have been nuting since week one with mine using FF Grow Big and Big Bloom at 1/4 strength and i havent had any burn and my girls are lookin good. Have been upping it considerably seems like FF doesnt burn plants that quick. My Opinion.

As for why it looks a little strange that is normal and does happen. I have had several seedlings start out looking very deformed. I believe it has to do with storage of the seeds or the seed condition or a natural occurance. However dont fear, from everything i have seen, I have always let my deformed girls go and mine have eventually rightened themselves and now 4weeks later you cant tell which had the problems. Out of 13seedlings 3 had some serious deformaties but now look beautiful.

I also tend to not like misting plants. seedlings once sprouted are takin in water through their roots so their good. The mist tends to stay accumulated on the leaves as it looks like in your pictures and can magnifine the light coming from your bulb and burn the leaves. I have seen this a bunch from top watering plants and spilling on the leaves. I now keep a towel with me to wipe them down and make sure the leaves stay dry. IMO.

Hope this helps, Good Luck and have patience


Well-Known Member
right now im doin 3cups+ of water every two days(like to see a little run off) or so depending on how moist the soil is. Im pushing my plants with as much as they can take 5weeks veg and pushing over the normal feeding and no burn and tryin to water more frequent it seems if you push them slowely they will take it.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a lot for those little ones (what do i no, more of a hydro man myself)how far is your light