Hash in all its forms, and how to make them.

HONEY OIL- there are multiple extraction methods to make Honey Oil including Butane, ISO alcohol (the higher the % the better), and CO2. The final product is amber to dark brown depending on potency and extraction method and will be in a liquid state at room temp. (Like honey or molasses). The best method I’ve found is the CO2 It provides a superior taste, and has no possibility of residue like with butane or ISO. CO2 METHOD: first you will need a tube preferably stainless steal or copper with both sides threaded (some people use pvc but I don’t recommend it). Next you will need the caps one should have a hole for a release valve, make sure that the caps are screwed on right and that the pipe your using can with stand a high psig!!!! (I’m serious otherwise you’ve created a pot infused bomb) Next you will need some cheesecloth (or any thing similar) to hold the plant matter. (For a lower quality feel free to use trim or bud but if you want the best quality use un-pressed bubble hash) Ball up the cannabis in the cloth and tie it off so its contained, this is technically not necessary but it helps keep every thing clean. Ideally you want the cloth with the pot to be jammed in (it will not fall to the bottom with out pressure) next screw on the cap with the release valve and place a few good sized chunks of dry ice on the top (I do not have an exact measurement, but air on the side of caution… it has the possibility to be a bomb. Lastly screw on end cap and wait. Eventually the pressure in the tube will make the now gas CO2 into a liquid (aprox. 850psi at room temp.) let sit for a while and slowly invert it (repeat how ever many times you want). Now its time to harvest the honey oil, to do this you will need a Pyrex container (or you know what ever) and SLOWLY release the valve the pressure built up in the tank will force the honey oil and CO2 (expanding rapidly into gas) on to the Pyrex container. You now have pure CO2 extracted honey oil. SILLY PUTTY HASH Has constancy similar to silly putty. Because of the consistence of honey oil it’s not ideal for a bowl or vape (use a spoon if doing knife rip method) to combat this you can make silly putty hash. To do this, take the honey oil and another hash (solid un-pressed) or kief. And mix at a ratio of 1:3 (Oil to hash). On a side note I’ve found that if your using bubble bag hash (the finer grade stuff) you will need slightly more, than if you used kief from the bottom of a grinder (what I normally do).


Active Member
Can I use a male plant that I took down to do this or does it have to be something that is dry? I am wondering cause I have those male plants just laying around and I am about to get rid of them tomorrow if I don't hear anything here. Thanks for any input on the subject. Oh and what is a "knife rip?" lol. I have been smoking for 15+ years now and not until about 6 months ago did I start learning of all the stuff that can be done with this wonderful plant!
i don't think male plants will contain enough thc, to be worth it. a knife rip is when you take two knifes heat them up over a stove then drop the hash or weed onto the broad side of one then use the other to press the hash between the two.
Bubble hash: Method usually involves water, ice (or Dry ice), and screening through silk screen. the potency will vary greatly depending on the screens microns (between 25 and 220). the final product is a malleable hash that 'bubbles' when exposed to heat and burnt up. do to the extraction method it does not need to be pressed (kept in powdered kief like form) which i recommend for cooking and bowels because it will devolve or burn up easier.
the extraction method usually involves nylon water proof bags with the mesh collecting screen at the bottom. in this way when the lower micron (larger holes less potent hash) are on top and filter through finer and finer screens.
to start take your bags (I highly recommend bubble bags) and place them inside a bucket with the lips of the bag going over the sides (think of a trash bag in a trash can) make sure the highest micron is the one on the out side and the smallest is the one on the inside. then add the trimmings/bud, and enough cold water to cover the bottoms of the bubble bags (should be about half way mark of the bucket) next take enough ice to almost fill the bags the rest of the way. now you will need to stir the plant matter for about 15-20 (my friend recommends no less than 25 min) occasionally adding more ice to keep about 50/50 ice to water (i some times like to use dry ice but have no proof on how this affects yield. now pull out the bags one by one turning them inside out to collect the extract, the last step is to lightly press the hash to help remove excess water.
Optionally you can press it into a brick this makes it more compact and easier to handle in large quantities.

technical dan

Active Member
I havent made any bubble but I have thought about trying it with distilled water. You can put the di water in the freezer and if its not disturbed/ impacted it will not freeze and then use that in the bags. Rudolph the red any thoughts on how well/ if that would work?
Ive never heard of that method and unless I'm mistaken the water will freeze, i think your thinking of boiling (you can take some distilled water place it in a microwave heat it the hell up then through something to cause an impurity causing it to rapidly expand.... i think the mythbusters did an episode on it) but if Im wrong it does have merit but i would think that as soon as you moved it it would freeze or as soon as you try dumping it it would freeze. give it a go the worst that could happen is that you now have a frozen jug of water.

technical dan

Active Member
It should not freeze/ boil due to lack of impurities. Yes it could just flash freeze when I try to move it. Guess Ill have to give it a go sometime but I want to try a CO2 run first. So many kinds a hash.... so little starting material although that should change in a few weeks.