Hash butter - To make or not to make


Hey folks,

I've got two bags of leaves. About 20-30 grams of fan leaves that died during week 6 (12-13 week sativa) and about 20-30 grams of small fan leaves i picked when i harvested.

I'd like to make some butter, but i'm not sure if i should mix the two bags. What do you guys thing?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Leaf butter tastes really awful so you should collect the hash/crystal first. If possible, sift the hash from each stack and keep them separate. Try smoking a little of each and if one sucks, don't use it for butter.


Well-Known Member
If there is trichomes on it use it. Put it in the slow cooker with the butter and some water on low for about 12 hours, screen the plant material out, put it in the refrigerator, and bam. You have butter. If it doesn't have any trichs on it just toss it.