hash brownies


Active Member
hash brownies are strong, have you eaten special brownies before? If not just eat a gram or two worth of brownies and you should be pretty floored....


Active Member
ok well then 1 or 2 grams will be nice, is quite a heavy high in my oppinion. just takes for evert to kick in.


Well-Known Member
yeah i bet i dont want 1-2 nor 9 i want an oz to eat. o and dude for long lasting trip. use as much as you can and keep eating through out


Active Member
i bake a lot, chocolait, brownies, cupcakes, lillipops and so on and eating 2 grams of hash is pretty strong and i smoke 5-10 grams a day. but hey eat an oz and tell me how it goes im sure it will be an adventure.


Well-Known Member
my advice is too make strong cannabutter ( 3-4 oz leaf ) ( 1-2 oz of bud ) a full stick of of the fattyest butter u can find.... no light butter shit u need the fat in the butter for the thc to stick too.... when making cannabutter the longer u let it boil the better it will be..... once you have yourself some cannabutter go to your local supermarket and find some cookie mix which requires alot of butter ( 90 grams of butter ) mix ur butter and cookie mix together..... bake in the oven on the lower setting it can go..... but it will take longer for it to bake then the box says cos of low heat..... :) good luck with ur trip bro.......


Well-Known Member
i suggest one or two before you go. bring a few more with you. wait a while before eating more