Has your outdoor crop ever gotten stolen?


Well-Known Member
This is my third year for outdoor grow.
In Canada we are allowed 4 plants and therefore there is no need for people to steal.
But, we know what people are like, some are just assholes.

Have you ever had your plants stolen or had a "cut and run" incident
where thieves cut off branches and run off?

I have read that in Canada insurance companies will reimburse you for your losses
but have not spoken to mine yet.
Yes i have, i had 12 plants from an outdoor crop stollen, cut n run barstards. They wernt far off ready too, but i found out who it was and got most of them back, could have done with the extra 3 weeks ihad planned for them too.
so you had four stolen, that sucks man. Secret crop or froma back garden?
"However, as long as you are growing cannabis within the legal limit and not using any prohibited equipment, your coverage may not be affected at all. Every situation and every policy is different, so it is best to confirm with your insurance company that you are covered if you decided to grow cannabis."

This is my third year for outdoor grow.
In Canada we are allowed 4 plants and therefore there is no need for people to steal.
But, we know what people are like, some are just assholes.

Have you ever had your plants stolen or had a "cut and run" incident
where thieves cut off branches and run off?

I have read that in Canada insurance companies will reimburse you for your losses
but have not spoken to mine yet.
I wish a mfkr would....if close to harvest time and I have an outdoor crop that I've spent months of work, emotions, $$, and passion on im camping out with that shit or if its in my backyard my dog let's me know if a living thing breaths within a 100yards of my house and i take her warnings seriously...

Click-clack...trespassing on my property and placing me or my loved ones in danger could be regrettable...ive had my house broke in once while I was outta town and indoor plants snipped at the base...days away from harvest...got all my jars of smoke and mushrooms too...stole some cash and tvs n tools n stuff like that too but the plants are what hurt the most just bc I had put so much into them and was so excited to harvest them...

I don't let just anyone know where I live this was my brother...he got strung out on heroin and at some point or another has hit everyone in the family bc he knows their routine...haven't spoken to him since he eventually got caught for some other B n E's and is currently serving 3-20yrs in prison...my Mother pleads with me to forgive him...I say he's your son not mine and I never liked him much anyway...maybe one day but not yet
I agree.
Anyone that did something like that to me
and without making reparations
would be thrown out of my life.
He denies it to this day...but he'll stand and lie to your face until pigs fly and never blink an eye...I immediately started messaging his junky friends offering 500$ for info on his whereabouts and his best friend sent me pics of my shit that my brother was sending around tryna sell..never could catch up with him before the cops did...thats probably a good thing too bc I was pretty heated...I had a 1oz single dried mushroom in a jar that I had been saving forever...along with others...some pretty unique guns..and a bunch of fresh poorly trimmed weed that his retarded ass has had already bagged up into ziplocks so it was easy to identify my shit
A good watch dog
I have a good one of those, and as far as the punji pit, not really but I have bear deterrent devices I use around the trash cans that aren't far off from that in the spring time. Don't think home owners insurance covers their use for gardening though. The not telling anyone I get but it's the hardest part because you want to share your work with friends. Luckily, I'm a friendless grouchy old bastard so it's not a problem:). Thanks for the ideas. I need to pick up another motion sensor to add to my driveway detector thing just for the garden area. One good thing I guess is I'm a chronic insomniac and they're on the deck so I'm really likely to hear somebody messing around out there. It's also a long way out in the middle of nowhere and outsiders are noticed immediately so I think that helps. Hopefully people have better things to do than try to take my hard work but I know they're out there based on your stories. Hope you guys have a safe harvest.
"However, as long as you are growing cannabis within the legal limit and not using any prohibited equipment, your coverage may not be affected at all. Every situation and every policy is different, so it is best to confirm with your insurance company that you are covered if you decided to grow cannabis."

That's not saying they will cover you for theft of cannabis. It's saying that as long as you are growing legally, the insurance company shouldn't deny you basic insurance coverage just because you grow cannabis. But also that some companies might, so you need to clarify that with your insurer.
So this is my first outdoor grow. What would you guys recommend to do to avoid having any problems like this. Can you give me any tips to help protect back yard plants other than just good home security? Thanks

The most simple thing you can do is not let people know its there. Don't show friends unless you need too. When you get into flowering, put up some privacy screens so a neighbor or drone cant easily see it.

If nobody can figure out its there, then nobody can steal it.......
No, dont like bragging, like lies it catches up with you. I knowwhat i know if you know what i mean and if your talking about protection of crops, you should look into shot gun cartridge trip wires about your crop. Someone trips one of them and i garantee they will shit themselves and never return again