Even if you managed to bring your plants in and out at 6 AM/PM on the dot, all day everyday till harvest, it's not really a good idea to do so. 1 STRESS - Though it may not seem like much disturbance, moving a potted plant back and forth causes the soil and/or root system to shift constantly, which = stress, which may and most likely stunts growth, which will ultimately effect overall yield. If you must do this, at least put it on rollers to cause minimal stress. 2 - PEST - If you ever decide to convert your "inside" space into a grow room in the future, you've dramatically increased the introduction of mites, bugs and pests into your potential indoor grow space. Why not just set up a outdoor light deprivation system? 1. Build a outdoor frame large/small enough to house all of your plants. 2. Wrap the entire frame with thick black/white panda film when "dark" (6PM). 3. Unwrap the frame in the morning (6:30AM). 4. Repeat until harvest. Simple! This way, you can achieve 4 harvest a year (based on a 8 weeks strain with 2-3 weeks veg per cycle).