has anyone grown satori?


Active Member
I'm thinking of ordering some seeds for my next grow and satori seeds are pretty cheap and its on alot of websites. i was wondering if anyone has had experience with this strain.

how much did you yield?

was it a good smoke?


Cannabis Adirondica

Active Member
Hey GEEsu5, :peace:
The first time I bought seeds from a distributor was from Seed Boutique back in 2000, and I ordered Mandala's Satori. Honestly, for the price of Mike's (Mandala) gear, you can't go wrong. I grew out the Satori and Hashberry from him, and I still to this day have a Satori mother that keeps me in buds. Mandala's strains have been grown by many, many people, and you rarely hear negative remarks, unless of course you include the B.S. from people who complain about everything and anything under the sun. :spew::spew:
My opinion, though, buy two packs and start yourself a little breeding program. The Satori is an excellent high, she gives good clones, and she's relatively easy to grow! A person can't ask for much more than that!!:joint::blsmoke::joint:


Well-Known Member
Starting up some Satori now, I will keep you posted. Snow White has a great journal on Satori, you should check it out.