has anyone ever tried a staggered light setup mimmicking the movement of the sun?


I was thinking of trying a 6-600 watt setup with two lights in the middle on the whole 12 hrs and stagger the timing of the end lights so two are on at one end for six hours then go off while the two on the alternate end are on for the remaining six hours. that way only 2400 watts are on at one time. lemme know if any one is using this method. Thanks.


Active Member
U will get stretchy plants looking for light.
did you even read tho post

i dont know how it would work but it prob would work idk if it would have the desired effects tho depends on how mant plants because ifs you do

row A row B and row C: row B would always have lights row c would have row B's lights but only have its own lights the last 6 hours of the day and row A would have its own lights for 6 hours then would use row B's lights

if i was you with 6x600w hps fuck mimicking the sun and power all 3600w and grow some big ass monsters :)

sorry if this is hard to work out it was posted before the 1st coffee of the day and joint :)


Ursus marijanus
People who contemplate this usually go with light movers, which has penetration advantages as well as fewer lamp firings. cn


Well-Known Member
yes you take say, 4 light movers and put them each in a square area, say 4-4 foot movers, 1 every foot. then you alternate which side they begin on so they zig zag (not move all in the same way)


My opinion? You'd spend more than you'd gain.

I'd instead buy 6 400 watt and run all 6, better light spread for the same watts/heat and cost allot less the 6 600 watt setups. Less timers and complexity of wiring, etc.

Personally I think the primary gain from moving lights is more even coverage and penetration into the canopy, and you can match that or maybe even better it with 6 lower watt bulbs.

My 2 cents, wich is really what my advice is worth :-)