Has anybody started an OP in an apartment?

I'm looking for a rental house to start my op,but as expected prices are "up there". I was thinking of getting an apartment,which is more in my range but I'm not for sure due to odors among other things. Has anybody here ever started a grow op nin an apartment? If so what are the pros and cons?


Well-Known Member
I have been growing for 2 years in my apartment with my wife.
Odor is your biggest enemy. I was lucky on my first few grows that all of my neighbors are potheads too.

I still bought a fan and carbon filter so that the smell didn't permeate into their apartments. That actually happened to me on my first grow. My neighbors came home and told me they thought they left their bag open while they were gone cause the smell was so strong.

Definitely invest in good odor control it is the biggest must have for apartment growers.

Now as far as a setup goes. I went a little over board and devoted a whole room in my 2 bedroom apartment to growing.

I would recommend a grow tent.
A good way to block out light or give the light a softer look to it, is pull the blinds, and put a blue sheet over the window.

If you happen to not use a tent and your light is out in the open, the blue sheet will dim the light enough to make it appear like you only have the rooms over head 60w light on.

Also as the poster above suggests, you wouldn't want to use an apartment for anything but personal use. It is too easy to draw attention to your self.

I'm pretty stoned at the moment, so if I didn't answer your question correctly, just tell me to stop being high haha.
I have been growing for 2 years in my apartment with my wife.
Odor is your biggest enemy. I was lucky on my first few grows that all of my neighbors are potheads too.

I still bought a fan and carbon filter so that the smell didn't permeate into their apartments. That actually happened to me on my first grow. My neighbors came home and told me they thought they left their bag open while they were gone cause the smell was so strong.

Definitely invest in good odor control it is the biggest must have for apartment growers.

Now as far as a setup goes. I went a little over board and devoted a whole room in my 2 bedroom apartment to growing.

I would recommend a grow tent.
A good way to block out light or give the light a softer look to it, is pull the blinds, and put a blue sheet over the window.

If you happen to not use a tent and your light is out in the open, the blue sheet will dim the light enough to make it appear like you only have the rooms over head 60w light on.

Also as the poster above suggests, you wouldn't want to use an apartment for anything but personal use. It is too easy to draw attention to your self.

I'm pretty stoned at the moment, so if I didn't answer your question correctly, just tell me to stop being high haha.

Thank you Atrum! much appreciated! I'm going to save up the extra money and just get a rental.


Active Member
I would have serious reservations about starting any type of illegal grow in a rental property. Definitely would not do more than a personal grow and would try very hard to make my setup as easy as possible to hide/take down. Probably would go for a closet in an area where maintenance/the owner would have no reason to go into. I'd probably do a tent with under 1000watts and a nice quiet carbon filter/fan combo as others have said.


Well-Known Member
Very good advice for the apartment grower here. I have a few more suggestions. If you have a large closet anywhere try to grow there. Heating issues are compensated well with home made drop down ducting from A/C vents into your room. I would use both carbon filter exhaust to another room AND a carbon scrubber inside the room. If you have any decent amount of fear add an ozone generator to that. I recommend the CAP OZN-1 set to a short increment timer. Noise is another issue, so internal rooms, or rooms shared with an outside or preferrably cement wall are the best. As he said invest in a tent. If it is personal use, you can grow all you need in a 2x4 tent, one grow at a time. If you are doing commercial, get 3 tents, a 4x4 for flower, anything small for veg, and anything small for mother(s). Use T5s for veg/mother and a 600W or similar for the 4x4(4x2 also works, but like 6-7 plants max in there). In any case, don't start a ghetto grow in an apartment. You're asking for trouble. Invest a little money, the equipment can be used over and over again, and buying used works great too. With what I know now compared to before, I could get everything mentioned here for around $800-900 used. If you're doing it ghetto start small, get one 400w hps used, a new carbon filter and fan, and the black poly tarp to put over the window of the smallest room/biggest closet you have. Light, odor, sound, and nosy neighbors are your worst enemies and should be the biggest issue.