How long after budding begins can I wait to harvest
No they are not. Those things are horrible, cannabis needs wet dry cycles, your plants root system will not develop properly and start rotting away if you keep using them.which i'll add has helped them, they have boomed in the last 2 weeks, i also have to contribute credit to Aqua Globes. They are lifesavers
I dont think most bag seed comes from sativas, ive grown seeds out of bags before and they turn out fine, not as good as seeds from the seedbank but still pretty good. They never took longer or had height problems or a much higher number of hermies compared to their non bagseed sisters. However, that being said I would also advice you get some clones or order seeds when you decide to get serious(i'd do it right now, loll), those seeds are fine if you like to mess around experimenting and all that and dont want to waste a good clone/seed on it, but i wouldnt use them for serious growing.don't waste your time growing shwag it wont be worth your time. it will take for ever to bloom and it will get out of control as far as height.
most swag is some kind of sativa that was grown out doors so you know there where males and females all mixed most bag seeds are from a hermie so it will probably grow out to be a hermie also wich meens it will have both part male and female.I would try to find a clone from someone I know thats eisier said than done if you don't know any growers but it will be worth your time or order seeds online.