

Active Member
when ever its done...do you know if it is sativa or indica.....you can search for things instead of posting things
I'm growing shwag for now, its been easy seed to a quire and figured i'd try that before making a bigger investment. also i'm wondering if the base of my plants will gain more girth? My first girl is growing rapidly now and i'm worried about her having the stability to stand on her own, as well as the other who i started 3 weeks after


Well-Known Member
how big of a container? They are 4 foot 8 inches? how much area is their between the lowest node on the plant and the top of the soil?
i started them in about 40% soil capacity and as they started growing they had a lot of problems standing on there own, i had propped them with pieces of cardboard, and 2 weeks ago added more soil to allow them to stand on there own about an inch under the first leaves
which i'll add has helped them, they have boomed in the last 2 weeks, i also have to contribute credit to Aqua Globes. They are lifesavers


Well-Known Member
how much area is their between the lowest node on the plant and the top of the soil?

you missed that one. lol. do you have any pics? That would help us help you better. Is the plant pretty stretched out? How big is around the stem?


Well-Known Member
which i'll add has helped them, they have boomed in the last 2 weeks, i also have to contribute credit to Aqua Globes. They are lifesavers
No they are not. Those things are horrible, cannabis needs wet dry cycles, your plants root system will not develop properly and start rotting away if you keep using them.


Well-Known Member
Wet dry cycle is most important, so break the globes and grab a 30-100x cheap scope from radioshack for ten bucks. Best ten bucks you can ever spend.


Active Member
don't waste your time growing shwag it wont be worth your time. it will take for ever to bloom and it will get out of control as far as height.
most swag is some kind of sativa that was grown out doors so you know there where males and females all mixed together.plus most bag seeds are from a hermie so it will probably grow out to be a hermie also wich meens it will have both part male and female.I would try to find a clone from someone I know thats eisier said than done if you don't know any growers but it will be worth your time or order seeds online.


Well-Known Member
don't waste your time growing shwag it wont be worth your time. it will take for ever to bloom and it will get out of control as far as height.
most swag is some kind of sativa that was grown out doors so you know there where males and females all mixed together.plus most bag seeds are from a hermie so it will probably grow out to be a hermie also wich meens it will have both part male and female.I would try to find a clone from someone I know thats eisier said than done if you don't know any growers but it will be worth your time or order seeds online.
I dont think most bag seed comes from sativas, ive grown seeds out of bags before and they turn out fine, not as good as seeds from the seedbank but still pretty good. They never took longer or had height problems or a much higher number of hermies compared to their non bagseed sisters. However, that being said I would also advice you get some clones or order seeds when you decide to get serious(i'd do it right now, loll), those seeds are fine if you like to mess around experimenting and all that and dont want to waste a good clone/seed on it, but i wouldnt use them for serious growing.
I'll be honest I don't know what nodes are. Also I am a first time grower and I'm using shwag cuz its been easy to get and if it turns out than I do plan on getting online seeds I'm looking into ice and snow white but I want to make sure I can pull it off with this cheap style first before getting too much confidence to purchase those and grow