Harvesting Question


Okay, first off, I'm a complete n00b (or newb, if you prefer). While I have smoked a great deal of weed in my life, I've never really grown it. I've never seen it grown, and the only photos of bud GROWING I've ever seen have been in High Times and the like.

So let's get to my question...what EXACTLY should I be looking for, as far as harvesting is concerned. I'm looking into getting a mini-microscope to check out the trichomes, But I guess my main question is about the hairs/sinsemilla.

As you can see from my attached images, Tina's (the plant) hairs are a nice white and getting an interesting purplish hue to them on the uppermost buds. I keep hearing "wait for the hairs to start turning red/orange" and whatnot, but...yeah. My hairs already have a bit of red to them, because of the purple. Am I actually looking for them to start drying up a bit and turning red/orange? or will they still be thick and hearty, just red?

