harvesting question


What i was going to do for my harvest is keep them in the dark for 3 days before i trim and hang them. is that the best was to do it?

Or should i trim them (fan leaves and all?) and then hang them until ready for curing?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you


1 last good feed and left in darkness for 3 days before harvest will increase thc.trim ALL leaves and hang to dry


Active Member
Don't listen to llcoolc, his very first post and he doesn't give you good info. Do NOT feed them nutes right before you are going to cut them, you would rather give them pure water, nothing else. I usually flush with plain water the last few waterings with no nutes, help them basically use up all their stored energy within the plant, they don't need nutes at the end.

Some will say a dark period before cutting is a good thing, I have never seen the need. I just wait until the pot is dry from the previous watering and then I trim, cut and hang dry upside down.



Well-Known Member
Yo Jack LL is a goone, first off if your growing hydro you would flush about 7 days prior to cut thats a good flush, If your growing in soil I would absolutely flush for about a good week, week and a half with PLAIN WATER NO NUTES whatsoever. Once theyt are flushed then you would cut them. I leave them on the stock as I trim them up, I trim only the huge big leaf let the rest stay for drying purposes, the slower the dry the better the dry. once they are dried, RH 45-55% Temps 65-75 degrees, they should feel almost crispy to the touch, they are now ready for the actual trim. Trim them and put straight into the Jars, check them in 12 hours if there is no moisture and they have not gotten soft again you should be due to seal them up and let them set. If they become soft or moist, you want to let them set out for a few hours then jar them, repeat that process till they feel chewy NO moisture and your golden. Dont forget to keep some amount of air movement in the dry area to keep even drying. Good Luck Haze


Well-Known Member
Oh as for the DARK PERIOD, I did iot last harvest and I think this, unless you have been growing the same strain very closely and very consistently YOU will probably not notice the difference in THC content. I will go straight from 12/12 to dark for about 14 hours to let the nutrients rest into the bottom of the plant then Ill cut. Haze