harvesting in sections cause herm?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone-im harvesting ea. Plant in phases.now ive only done 1 so far,but im wondering if ya'll think this will cause lower half of plant to hermie?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Thanx.my ol'lady&i have been talking about this, & i had no answer.when a plant duz herm,how long till u see it? +rep to u also for your response.cuz i liked your answer!!


Active Member
hermaphroditism is an evolutionary adaptation for survival.

its sux for us, but its how the plant survives tough conditions.

triggered by impending doom. if the water cycle is too inconsistant, cycling between drought and flooding. plant suspects it will soon dry up or get washed away. triggers herm to self seed hopingfor a better next season.

the light cycle. now thats actually rather interesting if u have too much imagination like me. first think about water cycle induced herm (WCIH), that makes sense, perfect sense, seasons are inconsistant, droughts and floods happen, making WCIH a completly reasonable adaptation for survival. light cycle induced herm (LCIH) on the other hand only makes sense if u dont think about it much. seasons ARE inconsistant moisture wise, but the solar cycle is far from inconsistant.

im no astrophysist, or geologist, etc etc, but i am fairly well educated (unwillingness to spell correctly notwithstanding) and as far as i know the earth has not signifigantly increased or decreased its rotational velocity (how fast we rotate on our axis) in many, many, MANY, BILLIONS of years. also our orbital velocity (how fast we rotate around the sun) also has not signifigantly changed in a long fucking time.

and no, normal cloud cover wouldnt be enough to require a herming trait. any storm dense enough to remove ALL light from a day is usually beyond hurricane strength. which would relate more to a WCIH than to LCIH.

which doesnt leave us with many reasonable options im afraid. first think of everything you can that would change earths light cycle on a geological/evolutionary time scale.

heres the short list i could come up with.

1. a "nuclear" type winter.
by that i dont refer to the cold, but to the loss of light due to excessive dust/ash etc. in the upper atmosphere. if we exclude the possibility of
a caveman nuclear war (and if one of u mf's even mentions godamn lizard people or advanced precolumbian atlantean civ's i swear i kick u in da nutz)
so were most likely looking at large scale vulcanism, or asteroid/cometary impacts.

think about THAT. if THAT is theorigin of the LCIH gene, it would make that gene at least as old as the last global extinction, and probably ALOT older just based on how hard it is to breed out that trait.

or the entire MJ gene set was cultivated indoors for so long (were talking hundreds of thousands of generations at least) that it DID need the gene for survival.

but its all academic.

anyone else got any suggestions as to origin ?