harvesting at first sign of amber?


I have seen all the charts on top of extensive research, and understand exactly how the timing of harvesting works.

Im still curious, for headies do you guys just harvest at first sign of amber trics?

Reason im asking is cause i see a few now on one of my plants but it still looks like its got some new growth with white hairs at the top of the buds. Will i lose yield by harvesting now?


Active Member
I have seen all the charts on top of extensive research, and understand exactly how the timing of harvesting works.

Im still curious, for headies do you guys just harvest at first sign of amber trics?

Reason im asking is cause i see a few now on one of my plants but it still looks like its got some new growth with white hairs at the top of the buds. Will i lose yield by harvesting now?
of course your going to lose yield, but you will get a little more of an upper kinda high, but your better off waitin, you'll be much happier in the long run. i've picked stuff early more than once and every time i want to kick my self in the ass for it


Well-Known Member
I have seen all the charts on top of extensive research, and understand exactly how the timing of harvesting works.

Im still curious, for headies do you guys just harvest at first sign of amber trics?

Reason im asking is cause i see a few now on one of my plants but it still looks like its got some new growth with white hairs at the top of the buds. Will i lose yield by harvesting now?
you'll know when to harvest by the change in thrichomes..they get amber and the hairs start sinking into ur bud..meaning ur buds are filling out..here check this thread out https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/210501-zeuss-take-harvesting.html


you'll know when to harvest by the change in thrichomes..they get amber and the hairs start sinking into ur bud..meaning ur buds are filling out..here check this thread out https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/210501-zeuss-take-harvesting.html
Yeah thats what i was already reading actually.

Funny how even though this is my first grow my intuition was to go by more than just the trics.

I have one plant where hairs are all receded and nugs are swollen but no amber trics yet. I also have another plant with some amber trics but i can see fresh new hairs coming out the top.

My only regret is cutting off nutes about 1.5 weeks ago. I honestly think that even though im doing a soil grow im going to reintroduce nutes for all plants until the very end. After all, why should i force a plant to feed on its leaves when i can provide the nutrients it requires to finish strong?