Harvesting and smoking observations


My outdoor plant is all dried and in mason jars. I dense packed each jar, and guess I have about 2 oz per jar and a total of 12 filled.
not bad for a complete newb!

the plant smells very skunky. Does this diminish, cause it is really an overwhelming smell. Even when this plant was alive and growing it reeked.
I have smoked some buds that were harvested and dried 2 weeks ago, and others who have enjoyed the bounty have said the same thing. The weed seems to have no "effect"' and about 5 minutes later, you can't even remember your own name. Is this the effect of sensimellia? All the weed I've ever has had seeds, so this is my first all girl plant.

im in the process of donating most of my harvest, and no.....don't ask. All I wanted from this endeavor was a nice bag and now I have over a pound.

no regrets, this was fun and all the people here were great with words of help and praise.



Well-Known Member
Sinsemilla can range from10 % all the way to 22% so yea 10 percent is considered good mids. As for the smell will diminish as you dry and start to cure. Keep weed somewhat dry and seal in jar. 5-10 days of burning smell will recover and you'll have it locked in tight in the jar as u need it to be tightly sealed when curing. Curing will break down chloryfil and help the end product be refined as chloryfil will only hIgher the percentage of inert by products. Making you end with an overall higher percentage of thc. Make sure tricombs are mostly cloudy and amber to make sure your product is mature. A week or two can make the difference between 5- 10% percent.