Harvested too early?


Well-Known Member
Hey I just harvested and am scared that I harvested to early this is my first grow and I had troubles depicting the trichome color. Well anyway the stalks of the trichomes seem white but the head are mostly clear some are white what does this inicate??
Also if its harvested too early that means the hgihg wont be very long right? What does that mean like a 30 minute buzz or what


Well-Known Member
Thats not true. It'll still get you high. But to get the most out of it, i'd wait for it to fully cure before smoking it.

We're most of the pistils orange? As long as they werent all white, you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
all of the pistils went orange that is why I harvested...none are white like they used to be....I smoked some last night and got stoned by its very clear and heady porbably lasted 1-1.5 hours I wan't around a clock so my sense of time was fucked up I did get a buzz tho

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
The more clear tric's you will have a greater cerebrial clear high, as compared to a more couch lock stone from more amber tric's. The stages of trichromes goes; clear=immature (more THC production possible), milky/cloudy=ripe/mature (at peak potency), amber= mature/degrading (THC potency going down b/c gland heads begin to "explode" and wither). I personaly like to flush when 25-50% of my tric's are clear, and 75-50% are cloudy. This allows for more clears to turn cloudy, and not too many to turn amber. Also basing harvest times off pistle color isn't a good idea unless you know what the pistles should look like when they are ripe, because different strains have different colored pistles when each is ripe. For example AK47 is harvested with white hairs, because even with the white hairs the tric's will turn cloudy, and amber without changing the pistles...or changing very few.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
I personally cant see the start of the tric's changing, but its apparent when most have turned deep amber in colour. But a magnifier is a must if you want to be precise with the heads going from clear to cloudy to light amber, ect.​


Well-Known Member
Thats a cool scope, if you dont have a lot of cash you can get one from radio shack for $12

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
You probably harvested a week before (give or take) maximum potency, but there shouldn't be anything wrong with your nugs. Happy blazing:)

Peace and big buds,