harvested this plant today

I have 5 small northern light plants growing at 49 days of flowering. i decided to pick out the smallest one and harvest today even know im thinking i might be about a week early. what do you guys think on this bud ? Did i pick too early ???


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Got a picture of the whole cola? not jut a closeup (I never bother with trichomes, just by how it looks as a whole)

If you have 5 of them though, why not just harvest it any way, then you can get a practical experience of the difference of highs over various harvest dates. It's too easy to simply say cloudy trichomes = heady, amber = body. why not see what you actually prefer :)
i totally agree with what you are saying. i grow 20 plus years ago and it was all about the hairs then now everyone is saying its about the trichomes. I like things better when its simpler


Active Member
Never had a plant finish @ 50 days so I'd let it go longer. Are the sugar leaves all dying back? If the plant is in rough shape then maybe you should harvest.