harvest tricks


Active Member
i was wondering if its a good thing not to water the plants for a little before harvesting and if it was a good thing for leave the plant in a dark area for a couple of days before harvesting. is it true that its good to cut it on night so there's less juice in the plant ?? i wanna know what your trick is!


Asshole Patrol
I make sure I have at least a week between my final watering and harvest, as well as 24 to 48 hours of complete darkness right before snipping.

Some folks prefer to flush their plants with strait water two weeks prior to harvest. For me it depends on whether Im going to reflower the plant or not. If I plan on it, then I'll just tone down the nutes in the final two weeks, as to not completely deprive her. If I plan on cutting her down for good, then I do flush with just water for the final two weeks.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If hydro, no water for 24 hrs before harvest (use pH'd water - or better yet pH'd water with a rinse - for the last week or two).