Harvest time ?


Well-Known Member
If your gonna cut them up to dry them there is no specific way to chop them up.

Your going to want to remove all the fan leaves first (all the big leaves with a single stem) Then you can just cut them up into manageable sections, dont take too much because you dont want to lay buds down on a table.

Start with a lower branch, cut it off, then cut it into sections short enough to hang. You can leave a little branch sticking out to hang them.

Theres to one way, just do one bit at a time, dont go for too much, and when you hang it to dry make sure buds are separated and not touching so air can flow through easily.

Check out the GrowFAQ theres some good stuff on there for curing


Well-Known Member
Hey 420,

I agree with BC but would like to add something.

Trimming the leaves, Remove all the fan leaves. Watch for the smaller leaves close to the buds. You may want to keep them.
I cut the tips of the small leaves off and then hang the buds it in a dark dry place.

Curring is real important and you should look into that. Realy makes all the difference.
Hang for a week, Jar it for a few days, untill you get the ripe smell then paper bag it overnight to finish. Now you can store it.



Active Member
you will know its time to harvest when the pistils turn from white to reddish brown, the bottom fan leaves turn yellow and fall off, the remaining leaves get brittle and easily fall off. plant usually matures from top to bottom. cut it off where stalk meets soil and take off all the large leaves, put on clothes hanger upside down and put in dark closet for 5 days. when almost completely dry take down and manicure as needed. put into large zip lock bag or glass jar seal for 24-48 hrs then reopen for 6-12 hrs. opening and closing gets moisture out. repeat open and close until you are happy with it. if too dry put a fresh piece of parsley in with it before sealing it up. if too much moisture and not allowed to breathe, it can create mold. sometimes it can take up to a week to dry. here's some pics right before harvest and during dry out. sorry it was on my camera phone.

