Harvest pics, th seeds sage, 125g , 250w


soil, was dumb growing a sativa in limited space with no lst, so i supercropped in mid flowering and tied down from there so wont get to light, took 1-2 weeks due to that but it ended up giving a nice weight. Now i upgrated to 400w and lst'ing and advance nutes for my 2nd operation.


Well-Known Member
Picture 200.jpgPicture 201.jpgPicture 206.jpgPicture.jpgPicture 216.jpgi dont think your choice of a sativa was dumb at all i grew superlemonhaze in limited space topped,fim'd & supercropped for my best harvest congratulations for a very good grow i started out with a 400w. & then 600w. & finaly a 1000w. hps here is random pics of my last grow


Well-Known Member
4oz with a 250w vegged for 4weeks 2 days ? Did you keep a journal or thread ? How long did they flower and how big entering veg?
I'm intrigued and would like to know more , I use 250 w and I havent no where near reached that amount , I LST also. Thats an awesome yield nice job +rep !


Well-Known Member
Well just looked over your thread I missed it up top that you flowered for 13 weeks . Good yield though . I think it has something to do with the 250w light and plants finishing late . I,m at 9 1/2 and still waiting on amber trichromes. I noticed your original flowering pot size was kinda small but also noticed you transplanted half way in or so . What size pot did u end up finishing in?


im not really sure, something like 12 liter. it didnt seem to grow any better in the end. Begginers mistake but fixed in time. I had to have it going horizonal pot space since roots got locked on bottom and was limited with height so needed some rectangle shaped pot.
went on air pruned pot and already got root tips comming out of the bottom on my new grow. looking white as if just came out of a seed.