Harvest? Pics included, veteran opinoins please


Active Member
Ya sorry, I only have an old camcorder...

The pistils are prolly 10% brown, 60-70% orange, and 20-30% still white.

The trichs seem cloudy but its hard for me to tell, they are definitely not amber.

I am looking for a heady high so i know I need to harvest early, I was just wondering if it was ready now or if i should wait another week or so.


pics are blurry as hell, but judging from what i take to be a variety of colors on that filled out bud, i agree that you can chop chop now.... enjoy


Well-Known Member
If you desire a head high and you already examined with your micrscope and found that the trichromes are milky colored, then it is time for you to harvest. Great job.