Hello all I've reached my first harvest and I,m worried that something is gonna go wrong (as I've been sense she was just a clone)
. Towards the end of bloom I got indecisive about rather I was gonna go 8 or 9 weeks. I ended up going 8 at the last minute which means I only got 1 week of flush. I'm growing all organic in soil and the strain is pineapple express. Typically this is a very sweet smelling strain but 1 day into harvest for me I'm not getting that sweet smell it's more like a basic plant smell but as I grab the buds and kinda open them I get the smell I'm looking for. My question is, is this just a normal phase (smell wise) in harvest and once I'm done curing the smell will come or did I F up somewhere and it's pretty much a blown deal? I will appreciate any and all comments thanks guys...