Harvest 08'


Active Member
I'm no pro, but from the size, i'd say give it a few more weeks. You're there, but there's some space on the stem that should fill in on the middle picture. But those look absolutely beautiful. Don't rush greatness!?!


Well-Known Member
thats really close to ready from what i read/hear 80% brown hairs cut her down. I just seen the pictures from the start of the post till the end and it looks fucking close.

sorry "when" she has 80% brown but don't listen to me........ second post get someone to verify this.


Well-Known Member
I'm new at this too. But I believe that you need to check the trichs for color....clear, cloudy, amber for the high or buzz you want.

My Strawberry Cough's hairs are almost all reddish, but the trichs are still almost all clear. I'm flushing now and will check the trichs and harvest when they're mostly cloudy.

I got a 60x-100x illuminated handheld microscope from Radio Shack for $9.95. Amazing what you can see. Just like the trichnome pictures, but better; it's your plant.

Good luck and be patient. You've waited and worked this long.