Harper promises a national drugs strategy (not talking health care)


Well-Known Member
Ok this guy is just a complete ass with a total vengeance for pot users. He wants to spend more on busting pot users and growers. What a flake.

MARKHAM, Ont. -- Stephen Harper says a majority of Canadians agree with his opposition to legalizing marijuana, proving he's not behind the times on the way forward on pot.

A government opinion poll released one year ago found that more than two-thirds of Canadians wanted the federal government to ease the laws around possession and use of cannabis, with about 14 per cent saying the laws should stay the same.

Harper says changing those laws would reverse what he calls a decline in marijuana usage in Canada.

In jurisdictions where marijuana is legal, such as parts of the U.S. and Europe, the drug becomes "more readily available to children, more people become addicted," and there is a decline in health outcomes, the Conservative leader said Tuesday.

"We just think that's the wrong direction for society and I don't think that's the way most Canadians want to deal with this particular problem."

The tough-on-drugs message is one the Conservatives have been using for months to drive a wedge between Harper and his opponents -- most particularly the Liberals and leader Justin Trudeau.

On Monday, Harper told party faithful the opposition parties want to legalize marijuana and prostitution, and make it easier to have supervised injection sites -- all of which Harper said his party opposed.

The Conservatives promised Tuesday that, if re-elected, the would spend almost $27 million a year to help he RCMP root out drug labs and change the focus of the national mental health commission that it created in 2007.

The campaign pledge would see an extra $4.5 million per year, on top of the $22 million currently budgeted, for an RCMP team designed to crack down on illegal drug labs and marijuana grow-ops.

The party also wants to spend $500,000 a year over four years on a national toll-free hotline for parents to call to get information about drug use among the country's youth.

There would be no new money for the mental health commission, which had its funding renewed in the 2015 budget.

Instead, it would focus on finding links between drugs and mental health issues, a departure from its current mandate of "working to reduce stigma," "advancing knowledge" in mental health and helping homeless people with mental health problems.

Harper will be travelling to Vancouver later Tuesday, landing in the city with Canada's first supervised injection site.

The Supreme Court of Canada has said the facility, known as Insite, should be allowed to continue to operate -- over the government's objections -- because research has shown that "Insite saves lives" and has "no discernible negative impact" on public safety or health objectives.

Harper, however, said the research is not that conclusive, and argued that such sites "pull the entire drug trade" into communities.

A re-elected Conservative government, he said, wouldn't fund any programs like Insite, unless they included a treatment program to help people kick their addictions.

"Providing programs that do not provide treatment in our view is just throwing away the key and writing off somebody's life," Harper said.

"Trying to manage their decline -- that's not what we want to do."

If re-elected, the Conservatives would maintain strict regulations that came into law in June, which laid out the process for setting up a supervised injection site anywhere in the country.

Supporters have argued the rules are so strict that they effectively make it impossible to open any new facilities.
2/3 want it but he says no...?? i thought we were in a democracy....should he have to listen to the people who put him there? oh yeah, it's Harper...I forgot.
he's on his way out anyway
"We just think that's the wrong direction for society and I don't think that's the way most Canadians want to deal with this particular problem."

I didn't realize we were voting in moral police when voting for a particular party to govern the country. I thought we were voting for a party to lead the country not to police personal decisions of the individual and penalize them with prison for not having the same views as the Conservative party of Canada.

There is a huge problem in society right now where it's OK to go to a Doctor and get prescribed drugs to mask your problems with a laundry list of side effects rather then to provide for yourself a safe alternative to big pharma the cons would rather have more Canadians die to prescription drugs.

You can die from using prescription drugs how they are supposed to be used. Doctors regularly give people the wrong meds and people die. No one has ever died from marijuana or developed cancerous tumors, case closed. Hell even if marijuana had no medical benefits for anyone ever it is still safer then modern day pharmaceuticals. Big Pharma is creating meds for illnesses that don't exist and then convincing people via clever marketing that their doctor should have been giving them these meds all along. How are these commercials not illegal in Canada? How are the manipulation of doctors with massive kick backs not illegal?

The Proof Marijuana works is out there.

Fuck Harper. The more he pushes this archaic message the more votes he loses. The conservatives want to make massive cuts to health care all while making sure you can't take care of yourself.
"We just think that's the wrong direction for society and I don't think that's the way most Canadians want to deal with this particular problem."

I didn't realize we were voting in moral police when voting for a particular party to govern the country. I thought we were voting for a party to lead the country not to police personal decisions of the individual and penalize them with prison for not having the same views as the Conservative party of Canada.

There is a huge problem in society right now where it's OK to go to a Doctor and get prescribed drugs to mask your problems with a laundry list of side effects rather then to provide for yourself a safe alternative to big pharma the cons would rather have more Canadians die to prescription drugs.

You can die from using prescription drugs how they are supposed to be used. Doctors regularly give people the wrong meds and people die. No one has ever died from marijuana or developed cancerous tumors, case closed. Hell even if marijuana had no medical benefits for anyone ever it is still safer then modern day pharmaceuticals. Big Pharma is creating meds for illnesses that don't exist and then convincing people via clever marketing that their doctor should have been giving them these meds all along. How are these commercials not illegal in Canada? How are the manipulation of doctors with massive kick backs not illegal?

The Proof Marijuana works is out there.

Fuck Harper. The more he pushes this archaic message the more votes he loses. The conservatives want to make massive cuts to health care all while making sure you can't take care of yourself.
that's why they call it "practice"
my wife was given lots of pain meds - narcotic and other ones-and when she had side effects they gave her more...and more. it got to a point where i had to make a card for her to carry to appointments because we couldn't remember them all. they say if you take 5 or more you WILL have a drug interaction yet no one said anything about that. she was on more than a dozen pills. good $$ for pharma but bad for her head and life! yet they kept pumping her full. one Dr said he'd like to take her off everything but when I asked what his plan would look like-he stared at me....same pain Dr who refused to sign paperwork for MMJ.
you can get all the pharma you want no matter how bad it is. our new Dr went on to us about there's no good uses for MMJ. i told him that we will have to disagree and wanted to talk to him but he cut us off telling us "you can hype yourself to believe anything"......too bad he wouldn't have listened to us.
How about Harper and his shit hawks address the good benefits of legalizing the drugs like the drop in it's use by teens. Because we all know once mom and dad get an ounce it ain't cool anymore.

Or the drop in suicides. Or the Drop in violent crime? Or other crimes? Nah these things aren't to be addressed.
that's why they call it "practice"
my wife was given lots of pain meds - narcotic and other ones-and when she had side effects they gave her more...and more. it got to a point where i had to make a card for her to carry to appointments because we couldn't remember them all. they say if you take 5 or more you WILL have a drug interaction yet no one said anything about that. she was on more than a dozen pills. good $$ for pharma but bad for her head and life! yet they kept pumping her full. one Dr said he'd like to take her off everything but when I asked what his plan would look like-he stared at me....same pain Dr who refused to sign paperwork for MMJ.
you can get all the pharma you want no matter how bad it is. our new Dr went on to us about there's no good uses for MMJ. i told him that we will have to disagree and wanted to talk to him but he cut us off telling us "you can hype yourself to believe anything"......too bad he wouldn't have listened to us.

I am very sorry to hear that, sadly I have similar experiences regarding doctors and medications. I went to a 15 minute appointment with a psychiatrist, was the first time I had ever seen him, and he offered me 7 different types of meds I got to choose which I wanted. I could have probably gotten them all. When I told him I am looking to solve my problems and not mask them with more drugs that have caused me health issues I was told to go to counseling and that he was done with me. He did schedule a follow up but only to try and push the drugs on me again. This same doctor was so high on his own shit he looked like he had a stroke, he could barely open his eyes and was on the verge of drooling, I'm not exaggerating this person could not communicate clearly because of the amount of drugs they were on. I have quite a bit of experience identifying drug use :) This fucker was trippin on cupcake lane chasing rainbows and butterflys. This is the person I am supposed to trust with my mental health?

Doctors are a gateway to "legal drugs", nothing more. I had a friend growing up who said "I am going to become a doctor so I can get all the pills I want" I thought he was an idiot, now I think that attitude is the norm across the profession.
He simply a lying piece of alcoholic garbage. Any terminal disease is good enough for him imo
He drinks booze but want to fuck over MJ folks. Dirty hypocrite
That say's it all right there....filth...pure filth
He disgusts me beyond anything else.
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How about Harper and his shit hawks address the good benefits of legalizing the drugs like the drop in it's use by teens. Because we all know once mom and dad get an ounce it ain't cool anymore.

Or the drop in suicides. Or the Drop in violent crime? Or other crimes? Nah these things aren't to be addressed.

I am very sorry to hear that, sadly I have similar experiences regarding doctors and medications. I went to a 15 minute appointment with a psychiatrist, was the first time I had ever seen him, and he offered me 7 different types of meds I got to choose which I wanted. I could have probably gotten them all. When I told him I am looking to solve my problems and not mask them with more drugs that have caused me health issues I was told to go to counseling and that he was done with me. He did schedule a follow up but only to try and push the drugs on me again. This same doctor was so high on his own shit he looked like he had a stroke, he could barely open his eyes and was on the verge of drooling, I'm not exaggerating this person could not communicate clearly because of the amount of drugs they were on. I have quite a bit of experience identifying drug use :) This fucker was trippin on cupcake lane chasing rainbows and butterflys. This is the person I am supposed to trust with my mental health?

Doctors are a gateway to "legal drugs", nothing more. I had a friend growing up who said "I am going to become a doctor so I can get all the pills I want" I thought he was an idiot, now I think that attitude is the norm across the profession.
they are pieces of work! they take an oath to do no harm yet if they don't agree with a medication-like MMJ-there's no way you can get it. then i guess you'd go see another...and so on. it's all about "their" understanding. i have read many "reports" from the appointments and we have contacted the Dr to have them correct all the wrong things they heard.
my wife-before we knew we could get MMJ-went to a pain clinic and when we saw the report-she was called a drug seeker because she asked about meds...just asked because our Dr who gave pain meds, up and quit the clinic so out of luck there....Dr's are so "morally responsible" i don't know what other phrase to use there. they hold the keys...and they know it!!
sounds like you had a real winner for a DR......
Fucking Harper is in the Vancouver suburb of Richmond right now...funny thing, he's NOT talking about pot, drugs or the safe injection site like he did a few hours ago in Toronto.. BC'ers get his "economy-is-wonderful because I'm wonderful" bullshit, cause he knows he would get pelted with rocks if he tried the anti-mj speech here. Fucking phony hypocrite. I hope some junkie steals his bus.
and he's talking about how the Provincial NDP's did a bad job of BC's economy. I think he shouldn't be talking about Provincial anything. he was bragging how he proud that they are making things difficult for Ontario.
this guy is so full of hot air.....I wonder if you put him in a hot air balloon and he gave a speech, would he rocket into the sky?
Nigel wright takes the stand at the duffy trial tomorrow...harpshit's running away to the north. Justin and Tom are already all over it. This week could be the end for the fascist pig.
yesterday he didn't implicate Harper at all. i am looking forward to Duffy's lawyer asking questions..that will be good
yesterday he didn't implicate Harper at all. i am looking forward to Duffy's lawyer asking questions..that will be good

Won't happen, he's very well prepared and judging by the emails
Will do or say anything to protect the PMO.

It's easy to see the corruption when reading between the lines, but as per the emails it shows the great lengths they took to shelter the PMO from any fallout.

The emails also show (reading between the lines) that the PMO knew what was happening and how, however, the back room conversations and deals won't be part of any evidence and the emails lack a direct link to the PM himself.

This scandal is damn near party wide, they whitewashed reports, silenced any major players and flat out lied to the public.

But none of that will fall at harpers feet during the trial, the election is a different story though.