Happy Frog soil issues


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever have issues with happy frog for clones?
Mine look sad, yellowing new growth and limp.
Water is filtered and ph’d to 6.5
Is that correct as far as watering goes for that brand of dirt?


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just a chlorine filter.
Does happy frog not have everything it needs to start?
Do you think they’re old enough to go in big rootz soil without burning them?
I've put rooted clones into fresh Happy Frog and they grew just fine without any issues. I just used straight tap water containing chlorine, chloramine, and a pH of around 7.8. No issues at all.

I think people fiddle around with their water too much. Straight tap is fine for soil 90% of the time. You don't need to lower the pH to 6.5 as the soil has liming agents that buffer the pH.

Peat is acidic. Both the oyster shell and dolomite lime in Happy frog are alkaline and keep the pH stable.
I've put rooted clones into fresh Happy Frog and they grew just fine without any issues. I just used straight tap water containing chlorine, chloramine, and a pH of around 7.8. No issues at all.

I think people fiddle around with their water too much. Straight tap is fine for soil 90% of the time. You don't need to lower the pH to 6.5 as the soil has liming agents that buffer the pH.

Peat is acidic. Both the oyster shell and dolomite lime in Happy frog are alkaline and keep the pH stable.
I’ll use straight water than. I don’t ph when I’m in my regular soil. I usually use baby roots and big roots and all I have to do is water. I didn’t know the same was true with happy frog. Thank you for your help. Appreciate you
I use happy frog right from the start. Normally get a few weeks before I even think I have to add any kind of nutes. In my area it's the best bagged soil I can actually get without driving for 45 mins. Unless I wanna use off the shelf Walmart soil, which I never do
I’ll use straight water than. I don’t ph when I’m in my regular soil. I usually use baby roots and big roots and all I have to do is water. I didn’t know the same was true with happy frog. Thank you for your help. Appreciate you

Did that solve the issue for you? I have what appears to be the same issue. I fought it for 2 runs, now I have to concede. The thread dying kinda suggests this worked, but I'd appreciate confirmation.
Did that solve the issue for you? I have what appears to be the same issue. I fought it for 2 runs, now I have to concede. The thread dying kinda suggests this worked, but I'd appreciate confirmation.

you can start a new thread and provide pics of your plants, many of us would be happy to look and help you if we can
you can start a new thread and provide pics of your plants, many of us would be happy to look and help you if we can

I raised my light and increased the temp in the tent. My girls look happier, now they just have white veins, which I think could be genetic. I'm gonna try and water with regular tap and see how they like that. I've been using a brita filter and pH-ing the water. My soil pH meter says they are all 7.0, we'll see what they read after tap... anyways, thanks for the advice. I'm probably gonna start a grow journal. There's a bunch of stuff that people here say that I don't understand. I'm hoping to get some feedback and up my game.
I raised my light and increased the temp in the tent. My girls look happier, now they just have white veins, which I think could be genetic. I'm gonna try and water with regular tap and see how they like that. I've been using a brita filter and pH-ing the water. My soil pH meter says they are all 7.0, we'll see what they read after tap... anyways, thanks for the advice. I'm probably gonna start a grow journal. There's a bunch of stuff that people here say that I don't understand. I'm hoping to get some feedback and up my game.
I suggest starting a new thread and including some picks. I would be careful doing too much if you are not sure what's going on or you may dig your hole deeper. Throw away your soil ph meter, they are trash.

We would need to know more about your grow, you will likely not get attention being in an old thread from 2022
Use a solo cup worth of Happy Frog or Fox Farm Ocean forest. No special water or Ph needed.

Use tap water. Literally :weed:

Fresh soil is prebuffered and will be fine for growth up to time of transplanting.

By using a solo cup size upfront , you can allow clone or seed to grow into a better transplant ready plug.

Did that solve the issue for you? I have what appears to be the same issue. I fought it for 2 runs, now I have to concede. The thread dying kinda suggests this worked, but I'd appreciate confirmation.

With that particular situation, the plant ran out of nutrients and I had to amstart feeding and adjusting ph.
I don’t ph in living soil unless it comes outta the tap at a real extreme number….. I’ve been adjusting if it’s over 8.0. As for the happy frog, haven’t used it since because the other methods I found are way better. Big roots soil, you literally need nothing. For bloom you top dress and that’s it. Comes out amazing.
Also used this stuff call purple cow living soil and it’s great too.
happy frog-is kind of like a guessing game and then you have to add nutes and ph your water when you run outta juice in a few weeks. I’ve done salt recipes in coco, DWC etc and living soil in my opinion is such an obvious choice now. All based on preference but Good luck, I hope that answered it.
I use happy frog right from the start. Normally get a few weeks before I even think I have to add any kind of nutes. In my area it's the best bagged soil I can actually get without driving for 45 mins. Unless I wanna use off the shelf Walmart soil, which I never do

This is my exact situation right now. When you add nutrients are you doing the typical soil top dress or do you feed bottled stuff?
I top dress with this stuff, called Mr. B’s green trees, it takes a few weeks for it to break down, but that’s what I use for flower and my soil in a large enough container will take me all the way through veg.
I think I have a magnesium deficiency right now, because of how Strong my light is
I turned it down halfway, but it still keeps getting this weird unhealthy look. They were much happier under a cheaper light.
Can’t figure it out
I like H F i use it but for me it will not hold water for outdoor grow not good you have to mix it. Only 1 time i had a problem with it and i found out it was old as hell. So good stuff to me. Y'all worry about water but mine rain water no problem ever don't have a clue on what P H is in rain water. Dixie
I like H F i use it but for me it will not hold water for outdoor grow not good you have to mix it. Only 1 time i had a problem with it and i found out it was old as hell. So good stuff to me. Y'all worry about water but mine rain water no problem ever don't have a clue on what P H is in rain water. Dixie

I envy you
I have to worry about my water and it’s a joke
My parts per million come out between 450 and 550 and it changes all the
I think the cleaner everything is the better anything will be, that’s probably why the happy frog work so well for you.
I’ve always wanted to try it, but the only soil I’ve ever grown in is living soil.
Happy that you’re doing so well.✌
I wish i could do it like y'all but can't.I do mix with my own compost mix and water bead's is a must here. it look's to me watering to much.Dixie