hanging leaves


Have a train wreck in a bubbler bucket using earth juice bloom nutes. 1 week into flowering and leaves are suddenly hanging. Tested the Ph and it was right around 7 too high I know. Gave her a nice thrive root soak and changed out nutes ph now right below 6. Today leaves still hanging and she looks like shit though the tops are perkier. she is on a 12 and 12 timer. Should I put her in plain water that has been Ph'd? and feed only with foliar spray? I use nettle/bat guano tea for spray. The roots have turned tan but are not slimy. Please help me save her she is a beautiful plant.


Active Member
Jus make sure whatever you do don't do any drastic changes over a short period of time! You don't want to over stress your plant by changing too many things to fast causing a more stressful situation.. be gradual with your adjustments.


I readjusted the Ph to 6 is this still too high? This happened very suddenly. I am using the recommended amount of nutes, should it be cut back? She looked beautiful until yesterday when suddenly the Ph shot way high. Should she recover from this? I am relying on this plant and need her to survive.