Hang drying question.


Active Member
I have a quick question about hang drying, how long do you guys usually hang dry your buds b4 jarring??


Well-Known Member
......3-5 days depending on Rh and temps, etc........ Dry until it is dry, not crispy. You dont really get the stem dry all the way to where it'll snap, but real close....getting them like this, IMO, works great to go in the jars and cures pretty quick with a couple of burps a day for a week plus----it just gets better and better..... Dont cheat yourself and get impatient......

Great Luck!!



Well-Known Member
I would hang it for a week, and then put it in a paper grocery bag for a couple days to evenly disperse the remaining moisture throughout the bud. It should have the consistancy of popcorn or slightly stale popcorn when it's right. It depends on the size of the buds too. Check it often.


Well-Known Member
.....what...? Smell like hay/grass?? Haha, it'll 'cure' out to bring out the good smells of the dank....... And yes, the paper-bag is probobly one of the best ways to go after a quick hang<----they also help to keep the RH in check........ then to the jars......

The smell will come around ;-)



Well-Known Member
don't forget to burp the jars to remove any moisture you'll get the first few days of the jars.