Hand watering in a packed grow tent


Well-Known Member
Hello knowledgeable peoples,

I've got a DR120 grow tent. I'm trying to figure out a better way of watering my four plants than crawling on the ground trying to reach the back row, basically watering blind. It's no problem before the stretch, but after the stretch, my tent is packed. There's side doors on the DR120, but they're almost at canopy level, useless for watering.

I'm growing in coco. By the end of the stretch, my plants need to be watered at least once a day, sometimes twice. My current method is WAY too much work (and pain for my knees, back and neck). I can't really move the plants when the tent is full. The tent has to be full for me to make enough to wait until the next batch is harvested. So, I can't simply take them out to water them. Plus that wouldn't be less work, just different work.

I thought about setting up a drip system, but every thing I read about drip rings or drip stakes mentions that they clog very easily. I'm using Canna Coco A&B, Rizhotonic, Cannazym and CannaBoost, which should clog the crap out of any drip system (Boost is even hard to wash off the plastic cup I measure it in...) So, drip is apparently not an option.

So, how do you guys do it? Do you all crawl on all fours every single day? I've seen tons of pics in grow journals that present the exact same situation I'm in. Surely, one of you must have found a better way. I can't imagine this is the standard.

Or maybe people exaggerate with the drip systems clogging? They have to work somehow if they're so popular...

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hello knowledgeable peoples,

I've got a DR120 grow tent. I'm trying to figure out a better way of watering my four plants than crawling on the ground trying to reach the back row, basically watering blind. It's no problem before the stretch, but after the stretch, my tent is packed. There's side doors on the DR120, but they're almost at canopy level, useless for watering.

I'm growing in coco. By the end of the stretch, my plants need to be watered at least once a day, sometimes twice. My current method is WAY too much work (and pain for my knees, back and neck). I can't really move the plants when the tent is full. The tent has to be full for me to make enough to wait until the next batch is harvested. So, I can't simply take them out to water them. Plus that wouldn't be less work, just different work.

I thought about setting up a drip system, but every thing I read about drip rings or drip stakes mentions that they clog very easily. I'm using Canna Coco A&B, Rizhotonic, Cannazym and CannaBoost, which should clog the crap out of any drip system (Boost is even hard to wash off the plastic cup I measure it in...) So, drip is apparently not an option.

So, how do you guys do it? Do you all crawl on all fours every single day? I've seen tons of pics in grow journals that present the exact same situation I'm in. Surely, one of you must have found a better way. I can't imagine this is the standard.

Or maybe people exaggerate with the drip systems clogging? They have to work somehow if they're so popular...

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Use a pond pump/ sump pump in a res with a garden hose. I made a drip system to water 40- 5 gallon pots but i realized in soil i needed 5-6 drip emitters to get the soil somewhat moist. There were lots of dry spaces in the soil. Clogging was an issue as well. I had to replace several. Maybe take out the plants in the front to water behind them.
I use a drip system. It's great for a slow, saturation of the medium, instead of just a wash from hand watering. You can modify the systems a bit so less filtered nutes don't clog it up; cutting bigger holes in the drip lines, removing debris screens that you know are gonna clog. blah blah blah.

running clean water through briefly at the end of each watering will help keep things cleaner.

keep the drip lines elevated above the soil, so you can monitor that each zone is still dripping.

use fewer elbows, & T's and overall connections. Just keep is real basic.
I've got a bucket I installed a s/s ball valve in + a piece of 3/8" hose about 8' long. The bucket hangs @ waist level & I simply put the hose in the container I want to water & open the valve.
For removing excess, I have a 5 gallon shop vac with a 2.5' long 3/4" hose on the end of the tube - no bending over, just stick it in the overflow container & suck away.
No muss ~ no fuss.
get a piece of PVC. put one end in the container you want to water, and pour through the other end slowly.

Ooh, that's a pretty good idea. Maybe I could make some kind of U shaped end and drill holes in that... Like a big drip ring, but that can move and can be rinsed clean whenever I want.

I use a drip system out of a 5 gal bucket, all gravity fed. Works great for me.

I attach my Air pump to it after each use, no clogging problems. I do use Drip Clean in my regiment, but I don't think it would be a prob if I didn't with my dynagro. I did have issues when I used Fox Farms trio and a blumat system.

Here is a video of it from my journal

I just use one of those 2.5gal watering cans. I also have a dr120 (actually 2 of them and a 5x10x6.5' flower room). I use the can for all my watering and never need to move my plants when feeding/watering.
I've been in situations such as yourself op! What I did was get a long funnel at a farm supply store. I picked one up that was about 2.5' long. If it isn't still long enough get some hose and a hose clamp and cut off what you need and clamp it on the end of the funnel.
I assure you that it is much easier than crawling
A 5 gal buclet w a nipple on side bottom edge a piece of hose a shut off valve and more hose and tie hose to a stick. use the stick to reach area turn valve on and water there ya go it cost maybe 10 dollars onky thing is bucket needs to be higher then what your watering
That’s exactly what I’m doing too. I’m now just looking for a good wand with good even flow of water. One that has an adjustable flow rate would be nice
My first grow was 9 autos. The watering converted me to a 4 pot autopot system. Now I just prune and adjust a reservoir and I really love it.
I have the same issue, and I have 7 and need to take each out and put on a stand to water. The positive there is this gives me a chance to remove dead leaves and bend light blocking leaves out of the way.
I will admit it didn't take so long to do each time. But I do it and I can wipe the floor and keep it clean in there.