Halo 3


Active Member
Don't know why, but my hand-eye coordination seems to improve when I smoke. Destroying newbs in Halo 3!


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
never really been into halo i always like medal of honor, call of duty, socom, ghost recon you get the drift bongsmilie


Infected With Chronicitus
Dude...Gears of War is the way to go!!! Halo 3 is okay. But GOW rocks!!!


Well-Known Member
Smoking pot makes Halo 3 complete, I can't think of a better pair.

In fact, I'm prolly gonna matchmake here in a few

see you in the crosshairs


Well-Known Member
Gears of war two will need a big improvement in it's online play to compete with Halo and call of duty, but their differant sort of play they are more tactical halo is fast paced. Yeah when I get blazed I play Halo much better, more focused better aiming etc...


Active Member
Gears of war two will need a big improvement in it's online play to compete with Halo and call of duty, but their differant sort of play they are more tactical halo is fast paced. Yeah when I get blazed I play Halo much better, more focused better aiming etc...
Couldn't agree more. Their matchmaking was horrible! And of course nothing beats Bungie's matchmaking, they have that shit dialed. I wonder what Bungie's next project is for 1st person shooter since they backed out w/ Microsoft. No more Halo as we know it. If there is a Halo 4, it will be much much different with no more Bungie :[

I just picked up Army of Two. It's pretty sweet how they orchestrate the co-op campaign, but i definitely don't have the controls down yet. Looks like it will be fun for a handful of hours though


Well-Known Member
Never played SOCOM online just the single player which was decent when it came out. Halo willl still be made by Bungie they split from microsoft as partners but signed a 10 year deal to continue with Halo alongside them. It's too much of a cash cow for both of them to let go. I probably play Halo most while I'm high , some call of duty , guitar hero , PES08 and Forza..


Well-Known Member
the only halo i like is the first one. we used to link boxes and set up projectors and game and blaze for hours.