Had PM and stopped growing again. Gotta give it another shot what machine to get


Well-Known Member
I had a great run of growing for 8 years and about a year ago I got PM and I was having issues with cuttings rooting. Someone on here mentioned a machine I should get to clean the air in my basement? Anyone know what I'm talking about and any other PM cleaning tips would be great before I start growing again.
during growth stage, you can use a 10 or 20 % milk and water as a preventative spray against powdery mildew
You may be speaking about one of those ozone generators that clean and sterilize the air.

Yes that's it... Any good ones to get that are cheap for 700 sq foot basement.. I only plan on running it for a few days and maybe once a month here and there.
I had 3 grows of pm and finally got rid of it with and AirROS machine by Sage Industries. I wouldn't want to grow without it now.
I had 3 grows of pm and finally got rid of it with and AirROS machine by Sage Industries. I wouldn't want to grow without it now.

Link? How much was it? ... I'm looking at one now for $65 on discount, its normally $80... My basement is 700 sq feet... I guess you don't need to run them much, i dont know maybe a few hours a month.
I had a great run of growing for 8 years and about a year ago I got PM and I was having issues with cuttings rooting. Someone on here mentioned a machine I should get to clean the air in my basement? Anyone know what I'm talking about and any other PM cleaning tips would be great before I start growing again.
It's always in the air get your fresh air and humidity in check
Welll I had no problems with PM for 8 years and we then had a record rainy summer and I seen PM everywhere outside for the first time ever.... Can PM just linger in a basement with NO plants in it??
I had the same problem one year and it's never came back. I did use an ozone generator with my ac, humidifier and fans going after that grow but getting rid of the bad plants in the room takes care of the majority
Link? How much was it? ... I'm looking at one now for $65 on discount, its normally $80... My basement is 700 sq feet... I guess you don't need to run them much, i dont know maybe a few hours a month.

OUR MODELS - AirROS by SAGE Industrial (airrosshield.com) <<<click for link

I bought the smallest model, it covers, I think, 2000 cubic feet. I have it dialed down to 25% for my 4x4 tent. The price is spooky, with shipping, tax and currency exchange it cost me close to $3,000 CAD. Of course that's only $12.25 USD so maybe it's in your price range.

Just kidding, except for the $3,000 CAD part. Maybe the price has come down now that they're looking at the home grower market. I wouldn't grow without one, I'm sure it's saved me gardens full of pm.


I forgot about Regalia, a liquid that you can treat by drenching or by foliar spray. Can only buy inside of Canada so it has to be smuggled in.

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Outdoors is one thing, but PM indoors is honestly pretty easy to prevent. Just keep RH in check and make sure you have decent airflow, and that's about it. Dehumidifier for the surrounding area/lung room, and some fans inside the grow space. You don't need to kill every single PM spore, you just need to get your environment right, and it won't be able to germinate.

Once you've had it, it's probably not a bad idea to cull any infected plants and/or keep your space plant-free for a bit, but seriously, prevention is not that hard
Outdoors is one thing, but PM indoors is honestly pretty easy to prevent. Just keep RH in check and make sure you have decent airflow, and that's about it. Dehumidifier for the surrounding area/lung room, and some fans inside the grow space. You don't need to kill every single PM spore, you just need to get your environment right, and it won't be able to germinate.

Once you've had it, it's probably not a bad idea to cull any infected plants and/or keep your space plant-free for a bit, but seriously, prevention is not that hard
Yes to all, + keep temps from going too low at night, clean bottoms of plants and keep air moving under cannopy, if venting air into your space make sure whatever is on the intake spot doesn't have any mold.