Had a transplanting Issue


New Member
So I really messed up big time here , I decided to transfer my 3 week old plant from its solo cup to a gallon pot and I am in some trouble now, first off I completely ripped a bunch of roots off while trying to remove the plant ,then the soil broke apart I planted it in ffof soil mixed will light weight soil and a scoop of pearlight water had good drainage and that was about the only good thing , it looked fine for a few ours but it's been 12 hrs now and the leaves are drooping really bad now , what can I do if I can do anything that is? Ill post be fore and after picsimage.jpg



Active Member
This is exactly what happened to one of my first transplants. When i heard and felt those roots rip, my heart ripped along with them. She turned out fine, however, she took way longer to catch up to her siblings. it was like a week and a half to two weeks behind.

your baby is in shock right now and is recovering. so compensate for the time being lost to recover.

you live and you learn.


Liquid kelp or kelp extract could help. These and other growth supplements contain PGRs and phytohormones. I suppose one of the most available would be Superthrive (naphthyl acetic acid) and it is high concentrated, also contains B vitamins. If you use any of these things don't over-do it.

If it really lost a lot of roots, which is possible considering it looks so small, it might need a partial dome\higher humidity for a day or two.

Next time it might be prudent to wait a little bit longer before you transplant; wait for a good root mass to grow in. Right after watering generally is not the best time to transplant, as this makes the media heavier, putting more strain on the roots during removal (especially so for larger containers). When you go to remove the soil mass from the container, you have to gingerly tip the container upside down, holding the plant between your fingers, push around the sides gently and tap the bottom.


Active Member
Mine went into shock water the plant the next day with water and superthrive never used it before but let me tell u this it did magic on my plant... Give it a try


Well-Known Member
So, when you transplanted, how did you damage the roots?
Next time....
Transplant Tip: Wait for Solo/Dixie cup to dry out a bit....
Then take whole cup and turn it on its side
Then squeeze gently the bottom to loosen soil/medium
Then gently let the plant fall out of cup into your hand
Now, check out those great roots! All wrapped around bottom
Now, gently unwind roots and let them dangle....
Drop dangling roots into your ready pot
Your transplant pot will be ready, for you to drop the hole clone cup [minus the cup] root ball and all into new pot...
Good Luck man...