Gut bugs, noticed after harvest. Can i freeze them dead


yes the little white/opaque ones. can I freeze them so they die and then begin drying? I read to put them in water? PLEASE HELP, I JUST HARVESTED AN HOUR AGO.


Well-Known Member
If it were me I would wash them down with a mixture of dish soap and water, mist them from a bottle, let hang dry for a day and then mist them again with just water to clean them up. Than hang dry and cure the way you would normaly.

I have not heard of others freezing to kill them so will not comment. I know if you use the soap and the water you will be ok, anyone with a scope is not going to buy it but you can use it.


Active Member
Freezing sucks. Yeah it killed nug bugs, but fucked the bud up for me. I keep hearing to do what chrishydro sez. But either way, i guess. Just smoke the fuckers! They might have thc in them anyways from grubbin ur shit.


Active Member
Freezing sucks. Yeah it killed nug bugs, but fucked the bud up for me. I keep hearing to do what chrishydro sez. But either way, i guess. Just smoke the fuckers! They might have thc in them anyways from grubbin ur shit.
haha smoke away smoke away


Well-Known Member
Would water curing be an option?

Never done it, however, the only drawbacks I have read seems to be a reduction in weight, aroma / flavors, and a difference in color compared to an air dry / cure. Since THC isn't water soluble, water curing won't impact the potency. You should not only be able to kill any remaining bugs, but rinse them out of your harvest as well.


Well-Known Member
Why do so many ninnies insist on posting the same problem multiple times? And this one posts the same problem in the same section!! Posts it once and gets his first response in 7 minutes then an our later posts again. Pendjeos.