Gunnars Lab v2


Well-Known Member
basically this is a grow thread that has been going for a long time on other forums and more than a year so it would be very time consuming to copy to here

its on ICM ( although locked now as i criticized the owners 150 dollar c99 seed release and you dont criticize Gypsys "honest" business ways without getting banned despite having donated more than 1000 dollars worth of seed to greedy fascist prick), at thcfarmer, potpimp, unleashdagreen and SeedShare
the grow from start

im sorry for the lacking updates recently as ive been busy both with the grows and private matters

the plants are growing well in the green house although ive had some stretch because ive given them large amounts of nutrients, and paired with a warm weather but clouded most of the time the result has been a good growth although some stretch because of the lacking lumens ( its about time some one changed the big HPS up there to something more vital)

ive taken many pictures but havent got around to posting them yet it will be done very soon but in the meantime take a look at this video which also contains some of the pictures as slides and some real video shots from the green house

the C99 seed run is delayed as ive had bad lucks with clones and i want one at least one surviving clone from each original plant before i start the flowering and pollination
but expect 2-3 weeks and then i start the flowering no matter the luck on the last clone batch

i also expect the Smelly Berries and Killer Skunks to be ready for clones and then flowering out in apr 3 weeks to find a suiting male to use for breeding with my Blues mom for a Blues bx2, later Blues bx3 and ibl in time

well heres the video and ill get some older pictures in an follow up update within a few days


a little Youtube update from my green house

Smelly Berry ( Blues x Blue berry), Killer Skunk ( Blues x ( blues x blue berry) ) and a Blues itself
the Blues mom is very bushy and hard to tell from the others in this recording ( ill get a better picture of her posted soon)

2:20 - 2:25 into the movie and later at 3:45 to 4:00 you can see the 3 Smelly Berries out on the left

then the 5 Killer Skunks and 2 KS freaks on the extreme right ( they 2 freaks will not be used in breeding of course)

Blues can be seen from 3:15 to 3:28 ( white bucket)
ill get some better pictures taken separately of the Blues momma and posted later in my grow diary/thread


Well-Known Member
Im back with a vengeance.
Sort of...

Gunnar is dead and not coming back.

Jason is awake and took his place.

I lost overall awareness and I had to pull the plug back then for many reasons and dont remember much from the last years of growing and sadly i use to upload all pictures to Imageshack US free pix hosting to save time and then share them frem there to various growthreads on different forums but they decided to make it a pay service and delete all previously uploaded pictures.
So dont ever trust free image hosts!

I lost all clones and seeds in time and i had stress.
Later i was diagnosed with PTSD and got early retirement pension over time.
It sets many limits but Ive learned to live with it and gotten better to handle it

Dont ask me for strains, seeds or clones from back then because i dont have any.

I raped my credit card and started all over from scratch a few months ago.

But despite my banker doesnt like me at the moment i managed to get quite a good start genetic lineup to build further on.

The future is bright and green.

I have quite a big Outdoor garden grow currently and 3 guerilla spots in corn and starting a new indoor grow room
Ill copy my grow threads from other forums over as soon as i have the time.

What comes from there and in the future only time will tell
Happy growing everyone



Well-Known Member
..Children Of The Corn S01E07..
Harvesting the Cannabis. Another day at the office.
Using trimbowls
Cannabis Outdoor Cornfield Guerilla Grow Documentary
Harvest work 17/9 2024 inside the Cornfield.
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