I’m a new member. I’ve been wanting to grow my own bud for a while now. Any guidance on what to get started on first? Anything would be appreciated. To whoever is reading this have a great day!
If I were to offer a single piece of advice it would be to really let that soil dry out before you water. Like really dry! Cannabis is a weed man. Don't over think it.
I’d say know your medium. Understand what you’re growing in, be it soil/coco/dwc, learn about it, how to water it, what nutrients to use with it. even down to the particular brand of whichever medium you choose
Heres some basic advice that seemed important when i was researching before i started
Soil is prob most forgiving for newbies like us. I use Fox Farms Ocean Forrest with 30% added perilite.
Get a good light. A cheap HPS setup will normally outperform a cheap chinese/amazon led. Good Leds/cobs cost $$$
KISS keep it simple
Buy a 1 part or 2 part nute pack. Floranova by general hydroponics is what ive been using and its easy. i have heard good things about maxigrow 1 part too.
Get the environment where you will be growing under control and most everything else falls into place.
I have only been at this since November, so many people here are amazing growers with so much more knowledge than i have, i just wanted to get you started on a few tips that i felt helped me get going.