Guess on the yield!


Active Member
Hey guys,

I have finally reached the start of the 4th week of flowering. I have my 12 snow whites under a 400 what hps. I Vegged for about a month, and they seem fuckin huge. I mean they are only 2 months old now. (See pics)

Does anyone have any guesses on what I may yield of these girls? They are about 4 ft tall now and have plenty of little flowers on them. =)



Active Member
Yeah, It is crazy! I mean two of them were mothers so they are a bit older, but pretty much the same size. I remember putting them in the ground about a week before christmas! I am using some hydroponic nutrients instead of soil stuff. I thought I was going to do hydro but decided against at the last min and ended up getting all the stuff I needed so I just am using the hydro nutes.. don't know if that's why they are so fucking big. Any guess on yield?