guerrilla grow water crystal medium .


Active Member
greetings all fellow stoners
i am a indoor 400w grower nice yield that will keep me and my bro going for couple of months , however i always fantasize of having a large hash harvest for my needs
which in my situation can only be achieved outdoors
so i was thinking of using water crystal medium kind of like this
and only visit the spot around 3 times the entire cycle .
i have no scape around here which contains flowing water swamp etc ..
any one ever tried this ?
thanks alot
btw i saw one of those medium already contain n-p-k value + bacteria and other goods
what do yu think


Well-Known Member
greetings all fellow stoners
i am a indoor 400w grower nice yield that will keep me and my bro going for couple of months , however i always fantasize of having a large hash harvest for my needs
which in my situation can only be achieved outdoors
so i was thinking of using water crystal medium kind of like this
and only visit the spot around 3 times the entire cycle .
i have no scape around here which contains flowing water swamp etc ..
any one ever tried this ?
thanks alot
btw i saw one of those medium already contain n-p-k value + bacteria and other goods
what do yu think
I might try some of my holes this year with a similar product to this.
I had many holes to tend to last year and it was dry for a 3 week spell.
These would definitely cut down with the drying out of the soil one would think.
Anyone ever try this before?


Well-Known Member
I also am planning an outdoor grow for 2010 and am thinking about using some water absorbing crystals but have read mixed reviews about they're effectiveness outdoors. Has anyone used any that could offer some insight?


Well-Known Member
i didnt check the link but ive used water polymers. they do work and they work quite well i quit becouse i try to keep evrything organic and they do contain stuff i would not want to consume. ive been told they change the taste i didnt find a differance but i have friends who argue otherwise. i dont use them for ganja or vegetables becouse of chemicals. my mother uses them for container gardening anuals and for urns in the cemetary. for those puposes they work very nicely


Well-Known Member
I been using the promix with water crystals premixed already. It works great plants are thriving. Whoever said it changes the taste of the bud is probably using a different brand of water crystals than me. Shultz is the only one I use. Plants last two weeks with no water and the bigger ones last one week atleast. Without water crystals I would have to water every other day. If I were you I'd just get the promix with it in it. I used to put way too much when I mixed it myself. If you are planning on mixing yourself make sure you wet the crystals and let them expand before mixing into soil. Otherwise it's a big mess because they expand pretty big.


Well-Known Member
Hey you guys i use this stuff called zeba quench, and its pretty much 100 percent organic, and one pound of these granules will absorb a 55 gallon drum worth of water , and still give 95 percent of that water back to the plant its great stuff, and contains no fertilizer, if you look for it


Well-Known Member
wounder how this wouldwork with a 40/40/20 mix of promix/perlite/zeba. of course you'd have to feed with water nutes