Hello Everybody,
I've been searching through various resources to self diagnose a potential problem with my Day 19 GSC auto flower but I'd appreciate some insight from you all. She's been doing quite well recently, until I noticed some lower fan leaves showing signs of distress that must have appeared within 12-24 hours ago. Signs of discoloration and decay began even earlier on the lower leaves just below, but I figured these leaves were mainly for seedling health and were bound to die off eventually(?). My Day 29 WW and Day 19 Sour Diesel autos are in the same environment experiencing the same conditions, and they don't seem to have this issue at this time.
As always, I'm using a Mars Hydro TS-600 light in a Mars Hydro 2x2x5 tent. I began regulating the humidity a couple of weeks ago and I keep conditions within the VPD as much as possible; although I'm not always within an optimal VPD at all times, the temperature is always above 70 Fahrenheit and below 80 Fahrenheit, and the RH never goes below 50% or above 75%. I began with a 24/0 light cycle but changed it about two weeks ago to 18/6, and my plants responded well. I transplanted the plants from nursery pots to 3 gallon fabric pots with a 3:1 mix of Perlite and FoxFarm Ocean Forest/Happy Frog on March 1st, resulting in negligible signs of shock and virtually no slowing of growth. Since then, I've only needed to water every 3 days, and I'm using pH down and a pH pen to lock in the water going in at about 6.4 to 6.7.
Here is the GSC as of a few hours ago:

I wasn't terribly concerned about the discoloration of these lowest leaves because the new growth above appeared healthy and there was no other sign of stress. Here are more angles of the lowest leaves:

It wasn't until this morning that I realized the fan leaves above these were starting to experience similar problems. Below are pictures of the first affected fan leaf:

These spots are what I'm concerned about. If anyone has experienced a problem similar to this I would appreciate some insight. Like I said, I've been trying to self-diagnose this myself but I'd like to gather more information before I employ a possible remedy. I'll attach some pictures of the fan leaf on the opposite side that's starting to show similar signs as well:

I should also include that these fan leaves were recently put through some novice Low Stress Training just yesterday. I'm not certain that these signs are a result from my attempt at LST, but it's worth mentioning in case they are indeed related. I'm really not trying to overcomplicate my first grow (aside from the transplant and LST) and I'm hopeful that I can get this figured out and remedied. Thanks for your help everyone.
I've been searching through various resources to self diagnose a potential problem with my Day 19 GSC auto flower but I'd appreciate some insight from you all. She's been doing quite well recently, until I noticed some lower fan leaves showing signs of distress that must have appeared within 12-24 hours ago. Signs of discoloration and decay began even earlier on the lower leaves just below, but I figured these leaves were mainly for seedling health and were bound to die off eventually(?). My Day 29 WW and Day 19 Sour Diesel autos are in the same environment experiencing the same conditions, and they don't seem to have this issue at this time.
As always, I'm using a Mars Hydro TS-600 light in a Mars Hydro 2x2x5 tent. I began regulating the humidity a couple of weeks ago and I keep conditions within the VPD as much as possible; although I'm not always within an optimal VPD at all times, the temperature is always above 70 Fahrenheit and below 80 Fahrenheit, and the RH never goes below 50% or above 75%. I began with a 24/0 light cycle but changed it about two weeks ago to 18/6, and my plants responded well. I transplanted the plants from nursery pots to 3 gallon fabric pots with a 3:1 mix of Perlite and FoxFarm Ocean Forest/Happy Frog on March 1st, resulting in negligible signs of shock and virtually no slowing of growth. Since then, I've only needed to water every 3 days, and I'm using pH down and a pH pen to lock in the water going in at about 6.4 to 6.7.
Here is the GSC as of a few hours ago:

I wasn't terribly concerned about the discoloration of these lowest leaves because the new growth above appeared healthy and there was no other sign of stress. Here are more angles of the lowest leaves:

It wasn't until this morning that I realized the fan leaves above these were starting to experience similar problems. Below are pictures of the first affected fan leaf:

These spots are what I'm concerned about. If anyone has experienced a problem similar to this I would appreciate some insight. Like I said, I've been trying to self-diagnose this myself but I'd like to gather more information before I employ a possible remedy. I'll attach some pictures of the fan leaf on the opposite side that's starting to show similar signs as well:

I should also include that these fan leaves were recently put through some novice Low Stress Training just yesterday. I'm not certain that these signs are a result from my attempt at LST, but it's worth mentioning in case they are indeed related. I'm really not trying to overcomplicate my first grow (aside from the transplant and LST) and I'm hopeful that I can get this figured out and remedied. Thanks for your help everyone.