Grr first grow, uncussful idk why help anyone?


Well-Known Member
Ok so the strain is white widow and the light is really good its close within 6 inches but not getting too hott, i water it once ever 3 days ish and spray with water inbetween.
My question is for the past 6 seeds (/10) that ive used thev grown to almost 5 inches, had an awesome root system, and then started to droop, then the stem turned to like mush and then disenagrated into the ground, lol. Could never get even my first set of true leaves =/ wtf \

think it looks health =/ lucky number 7

ps not a leach just new here =Drawr.jpg


don't spray it yet, just keep the humidity up real high and I let my seedlings stay a little hotter than usual, low 80s. Don't use any nutes and let the root system get some air! Spraying can burn the leaves. If you did all that, than idk i'd switch to a different sprouting medium.


Well-Known Member
yeah its pretty warm in there low 80's yeah i keep it pretty moist just a superbly light sprits. and yeah so far ive used 2differrent mediums =/ <= SADFACE


Well-Known Member
More info about your light? Really good light 6 inches way is kinda... unhelpful...

If your spraying it with a metal halide 6 inches away then your basically boiling it.


Well-Known Member
Stop spraying and get a fan blowing across the seedling. Sounds like you're rotting through the stem from too much water. When the seed first pokes its head through, it should immediately meet wind. This will help a huge number if variables including root health, stem strength, stability in medium, deceased problems associated with stretching or over watering.

My seedlings always have at least 4 nodes before they are 4 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
yeah sorry , didnt have the specs at the time . I bealive its a 300 watt florecent but it dosent run hott at all, its room temp 79* from 6 inches away


Well-Known Member
And yeah i have a constant fan and the plant has a pretty good sway to it, not to rough though. i know idk i have legit not even 1 node its bs


Active Member
IMO it has to be either over watering or too tight of soil. I don't see any other reasons why they always die. Though you did say they had a very extensive root system so I think its the first of the two. Seems like the roots are drowning and think there is nothing to bring up with only water and no air so the roots stretch and stretch downward until the plant just dies. Try adding perlite to the soil you use should help with drainage and air. Hope this leads to a successful try number whatever.


Well-Known Member
not sure if it'll help heres a few more pics, ps its only in a soda bottle ( with holes on the bottom ) cause i think it looks ghetto as a young plant that way =]


Well-Known Member
well i'm into week 3 with mines started mines the first just give it time they look healthy ..what ever u do don't make my mistake with over feeding them and adding nutrients unless it actually needsd nutrients . like 5 of my plants shrivlied up n died lol i still have 3 blackjacks and 1 short rider i'm definatley going to try and clone those blackjacks though