

Well-Known Member
Im trying to get a group of people who use the growzilla. I just got one and will be starting a journal of it and i figured no better place then with others that use the same hood. Anyone with pics of what she can do please post it up. I will be keeping eveyone up to date as son as i get up and running! thanks


Well-Known Member
What lights are you going to put in it? The mix of halide and HPS will be great. Those things are pretty spendy though so you probably won't find any people in this part of the forum using one.


Well-Known Member
I got 2 growzillas enroute right now... they'll be hung on a light rail 5.. dual 600w hortilux hps bulbs in each... covering two 4x8 beds... should be pretty cool..


Well-Known Member
HELL YEA. that is fuckng awsome dude. I just got mine today and will have pictures up soon! keep me in the loop, i would love to see those things going!


Well-Known Member
damn. im sorry bro! thats ironic this happen to you because receved mine today as well and the pack job was terrible. thought for sure something was broke but I think everything is ok. ill know more when i finish setting up. thought would be done and have pics but obvously not. Do the ballasts work even though they bent? and where did you order everything?


Well-Known Member
I actually did take a spare 600w bulb I had laying around & tested the ballasts (Sun System Harvest Pro) AND THEY WORKED!! those babies can take a lickin' & keep on tickin'.... well buzzing anyway....bongsmilie & I ordered the stuff from the garden depot.. apparently it's a new co. online.. I talked to the guy who sold me the gear and he seems pretty cool.. really hooked it up on the prices... the 'zillas were only 110 ea. & 140 ea on the ballasts... 600w hortilux bulbs for 68 bux... & so far no shipping or tax... (not that the shipping deserved to get paid for anyways) but he said it was all insured.... I'll keep ya posted.. now it's time for a little of the bubbley... I made this batch last week out of a failed outdoor attempt.... :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
bubblebags... the 4-bag setup... so today I dealt w/ ups... what a fuckin' hassle.. everything's insured so some inspector guy has to come out to my house :( & check out the damaged goods. I also talked to the guy from the store on the phone & he's already got replacements ready to send out on mon. which is cool.. he even said he'll throw in some free shit cause of the inconvenience.. Garden Depot Inc. is a super-cool retailer... Blake will take care of you for sure... I don't mean for this to sound like an advertisement or anything, but I'm just really impressed with the customer service... & prices.. Hydroponic-Organic-Hydrofarm- NGW-indoor gardening- growlights-The Garden Depot


Well-Known Member
Nice. im def going to check them out. Its funny that you are going throgh all of this because i finally got a chance to get shit opened and looked over and UPS fucked my shit up :( wtf i couldnt believe it. its not as bad as yours by any means but its the principle i guess. its bent alittle on on of the vent flanges. Its a blower to spend alot of money and wait for somthing, to have it be damaged. There is some cracked paint from stress it looks like as well. blower. glad to hear that they will atleast try and hook you up. Did you say ups IS coming to your house or they WANT to come to your house? either way i hop everything works out quickly for you!



Well-Known Member
IS coming.. "sometime" on Tues. wouldn't even schedule a time or anything.. they must just be hell-bent on making me waste my day.. :-?


Well-Known Member
yea. they will also prob take the ballasts nd the hoods just becuase i think if they take some of it they have to take the whole shippment and they will contact the seller and get them to send you a new order. but im not positive. I hope everything goes well though. gl was there any dammage to the growzilla other then the lens screws?


Well-Known Member
the side must be bent a bit.. the lens doesnt close as smoothly as the other... but nothing bad.. I also just got off the phone with the garden depot dude.. he had everything shipped out this morning before I even got outta bed! this guy was ON IT.. kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
these things look fantastic. I'm seriously going to think about one of these when i move into my new place. So handy to have the two bulbs. thanks for sharing.


Active Member
I am so glad I found this forum! I am buying one of these in a few weeks and can't wait to see both bulbs in action...definatley going to monitor and share here as time goes on. Im typically an outdoor man, but saw the secret jardin tents and decided to venture indoor. This hood looks like a sure thing though! Just wondering if I needed to buy the ballasts they sell with it or if like a pair of Lumatek digitals would wire up?
Im thinking of running 600's inside a 5'x5'x7' tent and after cooling the sealed reflector, how much ventilation do you guys suppose i might need to keep the temps down? No prior experience with cooled hoods so dont really know how "cool" the room might be. Thaks in advance for any advice...& good luck with these light monsters. I look foreward to seeing this bad boy in action!


Well-Known Member
got the replacement ballasts yesterday... one of 'em is STILL a bit bent in the same way.. :evil: I don't even give a shit at this point... hopefully the other Growzilla comes today.. I need to get this room set up NOW I got a bunch of NYC Diesel clones just about ready to go... BTW I've been keeping a journal of this but haven't posted it yet.. stay tuned for "Tha Big Dirty" (that's what the thread/grow will be named) <--Trailer Park Boys reference..:peace:bongsmilie