GrowSpecialist's basic tips for growing Marijuana


Well-Known Member
GrowSpecialist's basic tips for growing Marijuana

1. Save your bagseeds. Remember: Dirt, shwag, shit weed is only shit because of the way it was handled after growing. You can't blame it on the strain. There are no low quality strains in existence. Don't buy seeds from seed companies unless you want a specific flavor (like Tangerine which tastes exactly like Tangerines or some other flavorful strain). Even then, you need to seriously think about whether you're willing to associate your identity with buying seeds. Would you like to run the risk of a seed company's records being seized and the feds tracing purchases to you?

2. Don't run with the herd. You don't need Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium lights to grow a lot of good bud. Fluorescent tubes or Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL's) will due just fine and they are MUCH cheaper to purchase and run.

3. Make sure to plant your seedlings in a nutrient free soil. There are 2 reasons for this. Soil with nutrients will burn and kill seedlings. Also, you will be able to add nutrients (once your plants are old enough to receive them).

4. Let the soil dry out before you apply water. Over watering is a common mistake. Water your plants... and then wait until the soil is dry 2-3 inches deep before watering again.

5. During the vegetative stage, let your lights stay on 24/0. Plants love light and they (contrary to what others might say) don't need "rest". During veg, they need all the light they can get. If you do this, your plants will be short and wide... and they will be ready for flowering a lot quicker.

6. Top your plants. This creates more colas and bud sites. My method of topping is waiting until your plant is about a foot tall and then pinching off the newest leaves at their base. If you do this every now and then, you will create 2 colas where there would be 1.

7. During the vegetative stage, give your plants a vegging nutrient formula. A good nutrient formula for vegging is high in Nitrogen (which is the nutrient used by plants for leaf growth) and lower in Phosphorus and Potassium. For vegging, I use Miracle Grow All Purpose (24-8-6).

8. During flowering, give your plants a nutrient high in Phosphorus. Phosphorus is used by plants for flower growth. I use Miracle Grow Bloom Booster (15-30-15).

9. Let your plants get at least 1 foot tall before flowering. When you're ready to flower, reduce the light cycle to 12/12 (which is 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark).

10. Use a fan to blow on your plants. They need a fan for 2 reasons. One reason is to reduce the heat in the area. The second reason (and the most important reason) is because wind strengthens the stems. The thicker/stronger the stem, the bigger the buds.

11. Wait until 75% of the bud hairs are brown before harvesting. Also, wait until at least SOME of the Trichomes are amber. If you follow that advice, you'll get the best (most balanced) high. This way, you'll get a buzz that you'll feel in your body and in your mind.

12. Dry your harvest properly. Don't throw it in the microwave (like your friends might suggest). Hang them up in a dark, well ventilated, cool area until they feel dry on the outside.

13. Cure your buds after drying. This is an extension of the drying process and will make your weed taste delicious. Place the buds in air tight jars and open each jar every day to let dry air in. Move the buds around so that they all get some fresh air. Do this for a few weeks or until the buds feel like they are just as moist on the outside as they are on the inside. Remember not to pack them down in the jar. Packing them will damage the Trichomes. Now they are ready to store and smoke.

14. Store your finished product in air tight bags. Push excess air out of the bags... and DO NOT compact the buds.

15. Don't try too hard. Don't spend hundreds of dollars on MH/HPS lights... or hydroponic systems. Don't be so meticulous about what brand of soil or nutrients. Plants are happy as long as they get what they need. They have grown successfully in the wild for millions of years... and they didn't need babying.

If you follow these basic tips, you will spend the least amount of cash and yield the best results.


Well-Known Member
Nice, but I disagree with #9. There are too many variations in growth from strain to strain. I flowered at 12" and ended up with a few plants close to four feet. If I had flowered at 2' the suckers would have grown way beyond available headroom. #8 has a typo. I believe you meant "more", not "bore." You might want to stipulate that these tips lean toward soil growing, not hydro. Fine effort, otherwise.


Well-Known Member
You should make this a poster and sell it. I would definately add one basic tip...Dont tell ANYONE your growing, NO ONE!!
Wow, I can't believe I forgot that one. Unfortunately, I can't add anymore tips because I'm unable to edit the title of the thread... and it says "15 basic tips"... but +reps for adding it to the thread.


Well-Known Member
Nice, but I disagree with #9. There are too many variations in growth from strain to strain. I flowered at 12" and ended up with a few plants close to four feet. If I had flowered at 2' the suckers would have grown way beyond available headroom. #8 has a typo. I believe you meant "more", not "bore." You might want to stipulate that these tips lean toward soil growing, not hydro. Fine effort, otherwise.
Thank you, both errors are fixed. +reps for bringing them to my attention.


Well-Known Member
Good advice but you should still add the "Don't Tell or Show Anyone" line at the end.
You'll only make that error once.
Well done.


Well-Known Member
so keep the lights on 24? my timers broke and iv'e being going berzerk makin sure it gets 18 hours of light, shit. it seems like i'm doing everything correctly at the mo.

Well-Known Member
so keep the lights on 24? my timers broke and iv'e being going berzerk makin sure it gets 18 hours of light, shit. it seems like i'm doing everything correctly at the mo.
I don't have a social life, so I'm gonna' run lights 24/7, and move the plants in 2 -12 hr. light/dark groups...7a.m./7p.m. double 'yer pleasure!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

8. During flowering, give your plants a nutrient high in Phosphorus. Phosphorus is used by plants for flower growth. I use Miracle Grow Bloom Booster (15-30-15).

I dont agree with using Miracle Grow. There are so many other nuts you could use! Yes Miracle Grow certainly works and ive used it before to grow but IMO it gives the buds a chemical taste. Better to use all natural nuts and ferts. :bigjoint:

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
it's always a good thing to share info. however, i don't agree with most of what you posted. a little searching on most any site will give the answers needed to grow good weed.


Active Member
I dont agree with using Miracle Grow. There are so many other nuts you could use! Yes Miracle Grow certainly works and ive used it before to grow but IMO it gives the buds a chemical taste. Better to use all natural nuts and ferts. :bigjoint:
As long as you give it a really good flush at least 2-3 weeks (Preferably 3 with MG) before harvest it should clean out most if not all of the chemicals in my experience, but i do agree without a proper flush it does make your bud taste like shit.

I am not going to say don't use miracle gro nor am i going to say use it, to each his own, but if it works for you by all means go for it!


Well-Known Member
To each his own, agreed. I do with Silky though. There are defiantly better grow journals out there, this own is good to follow at first but not as a long term grower.



Well-Known Member
I fully expected there to be quite a few naysayers... and thats cool. I appreciate all of the feedback and opinions in this thread (except the rude post by the cheezy guy). I also appreciate all of the reps people have given me for these tips.


Well-Known Member
im not rude grow....ive seen you on a couple of threads helping out newbs..... I enjoy helping them too.... i never thought your advice was up to par with the rest of the peeps on here..... you name yourself a specialist....??? and you make a fifteen commandments....????(you need to go back to weed college) They are the basics.... things all newbs need to know..... i havent ageed with you on alot of issues..... on this thread there is some decent advice.....however its not to helpful if your a couple months in..... newb i still luv u tho.....and if you are hot shit ..... lets see sum pics of your grow.....


Well-Known Member
no he dosent.... i checked theres like one pic of a i said ive seen this guy around tryin too help newbs...... but hes still a newb... thats why im sayin all this shit.... im a little skeptical of this advice.....

I almost wish that you were the real sam jackson cheezy. i can picture him just flippin out and buggin over no grow pics