Growroom Layout help needed!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow herbalists
Im am on my second grow,and would like to change the layout of the flowering room.I Am growing in 1.75 gal square pots in soil all organic.

Last round i watered by hand,this time i wish to use an auto watering setup
I have not set it up yet but will this week so any advice/tips on the matter would be greatly appreciated!

The space i have to work with is 11 ft x 16 ft with a small closet
I have 6 x 1OOOw hps to use but dont have to use all.

I also have a mother.veg tent i keep in a seperate room that i wouldnt mind putting in the flowering room it is 5 ft x 5 ft
I am open to anything at this point.

I dont have time to veg this next batch so sea of green style will probably be used.My goal is 4 lbs yield.

I dont know if i could get 4lbs from 1oo plnts in sog setup with no veg{any feedback here would be great too}

I believe i will be building tables for the plants to sit on,just trying to avoid the 4 x 8 plastic trays {so expensive!}

What little money i have i need to use on ventilation,and the irragation.

I was planning on getting 2 x 8" or 1o" inlinefans for my in/out
and hooking all lights up so the air is being pulled off lights straight outside.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated on suggested layout,most effective set up as i am somewhat new,thanks and praise Hbr

I have include some very newbish layout pics i drew up
there are 3 setups : 1 has veg room in flower room

