GrowLab - Tent Grow - Flouros - 4 Weeks in - Bushy - Hows she Looking?


Active Member
Hello everyone;

First time poster...

My beans are doing good, even tho my original plan was to do 2 plants, the beans for the other plant never germinated so stuck with one as it was my first grow anyway.

Strain: Crystal Meth

Running 24/7 Light (going to be changing to 20/4)

Lights: 2 Large Spiral Flouros (1 in Reflective Hood and the Other "hanging" next to the plant)
Brand: Sunlite | SL105/65k | 105wat 6500k | 120v | 60Hz EACH
(We also have 2 "flowering" lights, 2700k )

Fans: 2 (1 smaller pc fan and one larger fan in the tent's shoot outlet)

We did have an HPS setup planned but it broke so we had this flouro set up and went with it.

Right now it is in soil, no side nutrients added, the soil was specifically designed around what we are growing, so the soil is nutrient rich.

Watering daily (if needed) and she really just seems to be taking off very very good.

Will be adding c02 when possible, getting tanks filled now.

Every day i need to raise the main flour on top as she just grows fast!

She is VERY busy, this is kinda why i am posting. Alot of other plants i seen here are more scarce in terms of "leafs" this because of strain or trimming?

Anything you guys see that can help improve the setup?!

Thanks guys!
