Growing tray for a soil grow


Well-Known Member
I am trying to get my grow organized in as much of an 'assembly line' type of a system as possible so I can try to get a perpetual harvest going. Once the plants go to the flowering tent (9X4 will have two 600w) I will start adding new plants every two weeks, so 1/4 of the tent will be for each two weeks period, very similar to the 'get a harvest every 2 weeks'.

My question is would it be helpful for this type of grow, to grow the plants in a rubbermaid type of container like on of those 18 gallon type containers? My thought is that I am planning to have 4-6 plants of one strain each container, transplanting into this right after vegging, then as they get ready for the next corner I am only moving one container rather than 4-6 individual containers. Before I decide to do this I wanted to try to get a little feed back on the pro's and con's of this.

I figured using different types of strains would not be a good idea due to possibly having different finishing times and having to leave a container in the tent with only 1-2 plants wasting space. But other than this I don't see many disadvantages to doing this, what do you think?