Growing sequence question

Sunny Dee

anyone have thoughts on potential yielding outcomes

what i plan to do is, rather than start 5 girls from seed. and flower from seed which takes, 8-85 days total. 10 days seedling - 20 day veg - 50-55 day flower. avg around 2.5-3.5 oz a plant. 4 tops each plant using uncle bens topping guide. under a 600w and 400w HPS in a 4x4x72 tent


veg 2 plants for 40 days while i flower 2 for 50 days. push for 8 tops during veging and scrog 2 beast planst under a 600w for flower period. (using my 400w for veg)

therefore having a harvest every 50 days of 2 beast plants. or harvest every 80-85 days with 5 plants from seed..

im having troubles imagining pulling 6-8oz off a plant to compete with the seeds. but if vegged long enough and topped nicely into a scrog, is this possible? keep in mind my strain is a big yielding strain

basing total yield at years end. bc obviously more yield with seed every harvest. but the multiple harvest through out the year couldbe better if i can pull 6-8 oz per plant. is this possible under a 600w HPS


Well-Known Member
Answers shorter than 10 characters cannot be posted - no. Maybe with a 1000 watt. Maybe. Even then . . ..