Growing rule number 1

From my experience of growing in the past there is one lesson i have took from it. Keep it to yourself sure you can trust close friends with what you are doing just be very careful about who can find out. I had 2 white widow plants just about to go into flowering stage with the 12/12 light shift and they were stolen by a friends brother I dont know how he found out but he did. The plants also did not grow buds for him and i made up for it by beating him in a game of poker about a year later. You can still see pictures of those beautiful plants on this site just check out my posts. Just thought i would post this so nobody will make the same mistake i did. :cuss::cuss::cuss::dunce:;-)


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude. I feel bad for you.

Don't tell

Don't smell

Don't sell

Words I live by.

Oh, and lock down your computer. Use a VPN, no pics folders, and delete history on browsers and folders.


Active Member
DON'T TRUST ANYONE, EVEN FAMILY MEMBERS. It is easier for these losers to steal them then to put in the hard work. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Great advice! A lot of peeps, including myself, get all anxious and excited when one starts out growing, its like you need to tell the world, you always want to talk about it... But yes. Bite your tongue, dont tell anyone.... Well. I have one person that knows... But they grow too and we help each other out but thats it.....


Active Member
I'm completely new to this, but I've kept it to myself as well. Only 2 people know I've started a little grow. One is a guy that is growing too and we have been sharing ideas and the other is my gal pal that I'm actually growing it for. I'm just too paranoid to be letting folks know.


Well-Known Member
he is very lucky he stole from you and not people I know, , would end up missing. I agree with the number 1 rule silence, to bad he did not steal from one of the big boys, all they have to do is make a quick phone call n ow no where is so and so he he. in some places the number 1 rule is shoot first and shoot second, don't look back . rule 2 wear rubber gloves when reloading your firearms, no finger prints, lol. all the above post is for fiction only , no truth in it, total bull shit, referring to water guns and people getting lost on there own


Active Member
I grow for personal use, not for profit. When I smoke my buddys out they ask if I can hook them up with a bag from my dude. I don't do it as I do not have a dude (they don't know this though). I just give it away for free to help them out. They are cool though, they do not abuse my kindness.


New Member
so while i wait for my plants to be done i still gotta buy weed. my dealer told me that he had some plants growin. next thing i know i try to call him for some more and he got his ass arrested. he always gives extra to good smart customers. is always nice on time for deliveries and a really cool guy. but one customer didnt like the deal they got and sent in a tip to the cops. there is somthin nice about putting up pics on here and havin all of you poke and prod praise and reject, but we have the interwebs to kinda protect us.(if your smart) be smart and leave it on the interwebs.